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Monipuolinen pyöräilykohde Veneton alueella

Pyöräilyreitit alkaen Castelnovo

Castelnovo on tunnelmallinen kaupunki, joka tarjoaa monipuolisia pyöräilymahdollisuuksia. Alueella on sekä tasaisia teitä että haastavia reittejä, jotka sopivat erinomaisesti niin aloittelijoille kuin kokeneille pyöräilijöille. Läheisyydessä on myös joitakin suosittuja pyöräilykohteita ja tunnettuja nousuja.

Luonnonkaunis pyöräreitti läpi Monticello Conte Otton ja Isola Vicentinan

75 km
56 m

Tämä 75 kilometrin pituinen reitti tarjoaa upeita maisemia ja haastavaa maastoa gravel-pyöräilijöille. Matkan varrella voit pysähtyä ihailemaan Monticello Conte Oton ja Isola Vicentinan kauniita maisemia.

Scenic road ride through the Veneto region

86 km
1512 m

This road cycling route offers a mix of challenging climbs, scenic viewpoints, and cultural highlights. You will pedal through charming villages, past vineyards and olive groves, and enjoy the serene beauty of the countryside. A great option for road cyclists looking for a diverse and enjoyable ride.

Quick gravel loop with scenic views

70 km
68 m

This short gravel route offers a pleasant ride through the Veneto countryside, with gentle ascents and charming villages. You will pedal past vineyards, olive groves, and traditional Italian farmhouses, enjoying the tranquility of the rural landscape. A relaxing option for cyclists looking for a quick and enjoyable outing.

Conquer the majestic mountains of Veneto

139 km
4379 m

Embark on this 139km road cycling adventure starting from Castelnovo and tackle steep ascents like Passo di Campogrosso and Monte Enna. Explore charming villages like Isola Vicentina and Matassone while enjoying the scenic landscape views. Finish your journey with a visit to the historic Castello di Schio.

Koe upea maisema ja haastavat nousut tällä pitkällä pyöräilyreitillä

88 km
2372 m

Tämä reitti tarjoaa pyöräilijöille upeita maisemia ja haastavia nousuja. Matkan varrella voit pysähtyä ihastelemaan Isola Vicentinan kaunista saarta ja nauttia Monte Madarosan upeista näkymistä. Vestenanovan ja Altissimon kautta kulkiessasi voit ihailla upeita maisemia ja kokea jännittävän pyöräilyseikkailun. Reitti päättyy San Tomion upealle alueelle, jossa voit rentoutua ja nauttia matkasta.

Cycle through the scenic vineyards of Veneto

109 km
231 m

Enjoy a leisurely 109km road cycling route starting near Castelnovo and pass through picturesque villages like Breganze and San Zenone degli Ezzelini. Explore the historic Castello di Godego and end your journey with a visit to the idyllic Polegge village.

Great adventure through the hilly Veneto region

99 km
2132 m

This gravel route takes you through picturesque villages, challenging ascents, and beautiful landscapes. You will pass by historic sites and enjoy the stunning views of the countryside. A perfect choice for gravel enthusiasts seeking a rewarding cycling experience.

Winding roads through Veneto hills

86 km
1376 m

Experience the breathtaking beauty of Veneto hills on this 86km road cycling route starting near Castelnovo. Admire the charming Costabissara village and take a break at San Giovanni in Monte to enjoy the view. Challenge yourself with the ascent to Monte Mori before reaching Isola Vicentina.

Discover the charming towns and stunning nature along this 85km road route.

85 km
2342 m

Explore the picturesque Isola Vicentina and enjoy breathtaking views from Monte Mori. Don't miss the historical landmarks in Restena and Passo Vignaga. Admire the beauty of Altissimo and Monte Pulli as you cycle through Vestenanova. Finally, conquer the challenging ascent to Monte di Malo and Montecio.

Exciting road ride to Monte di Malo

40 km
1015 m

This road cycling route takes you on a thrilling adventure through the Veneto hills, with challenging climbs and rewarding descents. You will pass by historic landmarks, lush vineyards, and stunning viewpoints overlooking the countryside. An exhilarating choice for cyclists seeking an unforgettable journey.

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