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Loreggia - maantiepyöräilijän paratiisi Veneton kauniissa ympäristössä.

Pyöräilyreitit alkaen Loreggia

Loreggia tarjoaa rauhallisia teitä ja upeita maisemia maantiepyöräilijöille. Alueen ympäristö on monipuolinen ja innostaa pitkiin pyöräilyretkiin. Lähialueen tunnetut nousut houkuttelevat kokeneita pyöräilijöitä haasteisiin.

Enjoy a 53km gravel ride through Campodarsego and Altichiero

53 km
34 m

Cycle through the rolling hills and lush greenery of Veneto's countryside. Explore the quaint village of Campodarsego with its traditional architecture and charming streets. Discover the historical landmarks of Altichiero and learn about its fascinating past. Enjoy a peaceful ride along quiet gravel roads, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Seikkailullinen reitti hiekkateillä Veneton maaseudulla

88 km
304 m

Tämä 88 kilometrin mittainen reitti tarjoaa upeita näkymiä ja haastavaa maastoa gravel-pyöräilijöille. Maisemat vaihtelevat Loreggian vehreydestä Silvellen kauniisiin maisemiin, jotka tekevät tästä matkasta unohtumattoman kokemuksen. Reitin varrella on myös kiinnostavia kohteita, kuten Montebelluna ja Santa Cristina.

Explore the charming Veneto countryside on this scenic road cycling route

84 km
61 m

This 84 km road cycling route starting near Loreggia takes you through picturesque villages like Casacorba and Sant'Antonino, offering stunning views of the surrounding hills. Enjoy a moderate ascent of 61m and experience the local culture and hospitality along the way.

Explore the charming villages of Fratte, Poggiana, and Resana on this 52km road cycling route

52 km
46 m

Cycle through picturesque Veneto countryside, passing by historic villages with traditional architecture. Enjoy a relatively flat route with some short climbs and beautiful rural landscapes. Stop by local cafes for a taste of authentic Italian espresso and homemade pastries. Experience the peaceful atmosphere and friendly locals along the way.

Discover the beauty of Veneto on this 89km road cycling route

89 km
66 m

Cycle through the diverse landscapes of Veneto, from lush green fields to rolling hills and charming villages. Explore the historic towns of Piazzola sul Brenta, Bertesina, Povolaro, Pozzoleone, San Martino di Lupari, and Loreggiola. Enjoy a mix of flat and hilly terrain, offering a variety of challenges for all levels of cyclists. Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of the region and savor the traditional cuisine at local trattorias along the way.

Embark on a scenic road cycling adventure from Loreggia to San Martino di Lupari

84 km
39 m

Discover the beauty of the Veneto region on this 84 km route with a moderate ascent of 39m. As you pedal through Villafranca Padovana and Bertesina, you'll be surrounded by lush greenery and historic landmarks. Don't miss the chance to explore the charming village of San Martino di Lupari before heading back to Loreggia.

Experience the beauty of Veneto on this scenic gravel cycling route

56 km
34 m

Pedal through the charming villages of Spinea and Villa Filippo Farsetti on this 56 km gravel route with a mild ascent of 34m. The route offers a mix of challenging terrain and scenic views, making it ideal for gravel enthusiasts looking for adventure. Don't miss the chance to explore the historic landmarks and natural beauty along the way before returning to the starting point in Loreggia.

Embark on a 68km gravel adventure through Fontane and Santa Cristina

68 km
86 m

Ride through the tranquil countryside, surrounded by vineyards and olive groves. Pass by the ancient Fontane village and discover its rich history. Enjoy the challenging gravel trails with stunning panoramic views of the Veneto region. Stop for a refreshing drink at a local vineyard and sample some delicious regional wines.

Embark on an epic gravel cycling adventure from Loreggia to Silvelle

85 km
267 m

This 85 km gravel route promises an exhilarating ride through rugged terrain and challenging ascents. With 267m of elevation gain, you'll test your skills as you pass through Col Minier, Onigo, and Villa Vescovile. Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Villa Corner della Regina and Silvelle, where you can recharge before heading back to Loreggia.

Pitkä ja vaativa maantiereitti Veneton alueen eteläosassa

99 km
418 m

Tämä 99 kilometrin mittainen reitti tarjoaa haastetta maantiepyöräilijöille upeiden maisemien ja historiallisten kylien keskellä. Matkan varrella kohtaat Villafranca Padovan, Grisignano di Zoccon ja muiden kauniiden kylien tunnelman. Reitti kulkee myös läpi kauniiden maisemien, kuten Gotham -nimisen kylän ja San Martino di Luparin.

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