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Tunnelmallinen maastopyöräilijän paratiisi lähellä Kiikun-Malga-kierrosta.

Pyöräilyreitit alkaen San Vito di Leguzzano

San Vito di Leguzzano on tunnelmallinen kylä Veneton alueella Italiassa. Alue tarjoaa hyviä maastopyöräreittejä ja metsäpolkuja, jotka kulkevat vehreiden maisemien läpi. Lähellä sijaitsee kestosuosikki Kiikun-Malga-kierros, joka tarjoaa vaativia nousuja ja jännittäviä laskuja.

Tämä reitti tarjoaa upeita maisemia ja haastavaa nousua vuoristossa.

84 km
1470 m

Tämä reitti kulkee läpi kauniin maaseudun ja vie sinut upeiden vuoristoalueiden halki. Matkan varrella voit ihastella Piovene Rocchetten linnaa ja pysähtyä nauttimaan Asiagon tunnelmasta. Maisemat ovat henkeäsalpaavia ja reitin varrella on paljon mielenkiintoisia nähtävyyksiä. Kokonaisuudessaan tämä reitti tarjoaa loistavan mahdollisuuden kuntoilla ja nauttia luonnosta samanaikaisesti.

Tämä reitti tarjoaa haastavaa maastopyöräilyä upeissa maisemissa.

92 km
2884 m

Tämä hiekkatiepyöräreitti kulkee upeiden maisemien läpi ja tarjoaa haastavia nousuja ja laskuja kokeneemmalle pyöräilijälle. Matkan varrella voit ihailla monta upeaa näköalapaikkaa ja pysähtyä nauttimaan paikallisista herkuista. Monte Mado tarjoaa upeat näkymät ympäröiville vuorille ja La Serean alue on tunnettu kauniista maisemistaan. Kokonaisuudessaan tämä reitti tarjoaa unohtumattoman seikkailun maastopyöräilyn ystäville.

Scenic road route with historical villages

79 km
215 m

This road route offers stunning views of the Veneto region, passing through charming villages like Zanè and Schiavon. With a total ascent of 215m and a distance of 79km, it is a pleasant ride for intermediate cyclists.

Experience the challenging ascent to Monte Mado and enjoy the ride to Valdagno

57 km
1227 m

This route is perfect for cyclists looking for a challenging climb and rewarding descent. The picturesque villages along the way offer a glimpse into the local lifestyle and culture. The highlight of the trip is the breathtaking views from Monte Bregonza and the historic town of Valdagno.

Exciting road route with diverse landscapes

123 km
655 m

This road adventure takes you through Sarcedo, Sandrigo, and Campodoro, offering a mix of flat terrain and challenging climbs. With a total ascent of 655m and a distance of 123km, this route is perfect for experienced cyclists looking for a varied ride.

Enjoy the scenic route through Marano Vicentino and Vicenza

71 km
213 m

The route offers a pleasant ride through picturesque countryside, passing by charming villages and historical landmarks. The highlight of the trip is the beautiful town of Vicenza, known for its stunning architecture and rich cultural heritage.

Epic gravel route through the mountains

91 km
3372 m

This challenging gravel route takes you through rugged terrain and steep climbs, offering breathtaking views of the Veneto mountains. With a total ascent of 3372m and a distance of 91km, it is suitable for experienced gravel riders seeking a thrilling adventure.

Embark on a thrilling gravel adventure through Santorso and Marano Vicentino

91 km
2649 m

This gravel route is designed for adventurous cyclists seeking a challenging and scenic ride. The rugged terrain and steep ascents provide a thrilling experience, while the beautiful landscapes and quaint villages offer a peaceful retreat. The highlight of the trip is the stunning views from Monte Lemerle and the picturesque village of Velo d'Astico.

Discover the beauty of Zanè and Isola Vicentina on this scenic road route

56 km
184 m

This road route is perfect for leisurely cyclists looking to explore the picturesque countryside and charming villages. The gentle ascents and tranquil descents provide a relaxing ride, while the historical landmarks and cultural sites offer a glimpse into the region's rich heritage. The highlight of the trip is the beautiful town of Isola Vicentina and the quaint village of Sarcedo.

Thrilling gravel route with scenic beauty

57 km
2241 m

This gravel expedition takes you on a challenging ride through rugged terrain and scenic landscapes, with a total ascent of 2241m and a distance of 57km. From the summit of Monte Magrè to the quaint village of San Vito di Leguzzano, this route offers a mix of natural beauty and cultural heritage.

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