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Hyvät pyöräilymahdollisuudet ja haastavat nousut.

Pyöräilyreitit alkaen Santa Maria di Non

Santa Maria di Non on kaupunki Veneton alueella Italiassa, joka houkuttelee pyöräilijöitä. Alueella on hyvät pyöräilymahdollisuudet sekä maantiellä että hiekkateillä. Lisäksi lähellä on useita suosittuja pyöräilykohteita ja haastavia nousuja.

Off-road adventure through rural landscapes and ancient settlements

31 km
13 m

This gravel route takes you off the beaten path, passing through remote villages and natural reserves. Highlights include the rustic charm of Limena and the scenic Paleoalveo loop along the Brenta River. Experience the raw beauty of the Veneto countryside on this unique cycling expedition.

Scenic ride through medieval fortresses and lush countryside

70 km
77 m

This road route offers a mix of historic landmarks and natural beauty, with highlights such as the walled town of Cittadella and the charming village of Riese Pio X. Explore the rolling hills and vineyards of the Veneto region on this leisurely cycling adventure.

Mielenkiintoinen pyöräilyreitti Veneton maaseudulla

113 km
44 m

Tämä 113 km pitkä maantiepyöräreitti tarjoaa upeita maisemia ja ainutlaatuisia kokemuksia Veneton alueen maaseudulla. Reitti alkaa kauniista kylästä Santa Maria di Nonista ja kulkee idyllisten kylien ja vehreiden peltojen läpi. Matkan varrella voit pysähtyä tutustumaan esimerkiksi historiallisiin Curtarolon, Camposampieron ja Quinto di Trevison kyliin. Reitti päättyy Santa Maria di Noniin uupumuksen ja onnellisuuden vallassa.

Varied gravel route with scenic views and quaint villages

95 km
256 m

Experience the rolling hills of Veneto on this 95km gravel route starting in Camposampiero. Pass through charming towns like Castelfranco Veneto and Loria, with highlights including Riese Pio X and the stunning Monte Forcelle. Explore the historic Collalto Castle and enjoy the picturesque landscapes along the way.

Scenic gravel ride through charming villages and lush countryside

66 km
41 m

Embark on a 66km gravel cycling adventure from Campodarsego to Santa Maria di Non. Pass by highlights like Villa Schiavi Vescovi and the historic Fossò, with the quaint village of Limena being a notable stop. Enjoy the peaceful rural landscapes and cultural treasures of Veneto on this picturesque route.

Scenic route through vineyards and charming villages

60 km
33 m

This road route takes you through the heart of the Veneto wine country, with highlights including the quaint village of Marsango and the historic town of San Giorgio delle Pertiche. Enjoy the gentle ascents and rolling hills as you pedal through stunning landscapes and cultural landmarks.

Scenic road route through historic towns and lush landscapes

47 km
33 m

Cycle through the picturesque countryside of Veneto on this 47km road route from Campo San Martino to Cavino. Explore the historic sites of San Martino di Lupari and Santa Giustina in Colle, with a highlight being the charming town of Cavino. Enjoy the scenic beauty and cultural richness of the region as you pedal along this delightful route.

Historical journey through medieval towns and countryside

95 km
118 m

This road route takes you through picturesque villages, with highlights including the charming town of Grisignano di Zocco and the historic city of Vicenza. Enjoy the varied landscape and gentle ascents as you cycle through the Veneto region.

Scenic road loop through picturesque Italian countryside

71 km
42 m

Embark on a 71km road cycling adventure through the beautiful landscapes of Veneto. From Curtarolo to Piazzola sul Brenta, enjoy the serene countryside and pass by highlights like Monte Sereo and Camisano Vicentino. Discover charming villages and vineyards along the way, making for a delightful cycling experience.

Jännittävä pyöräilyseikkailu maaseudulla

43 km
32 m

Tämä 43 km pitkä sora- ja metsäpolku tarjoaa ainutlaatuisen kokemuksen maaseudun rauhasta ja luonnon kauneudesta. Reitti alkaa Santa Maria di Nonista ja kulkee läpi vehreiden metsien ja pienten kylien. Voit pysähtyä ihailemaan esimerkiksi Cascinan viehättäviä maisemia ja Vigonzan tunnelmallista tunnelmaa matkasi varrella. Tämä reitti sopii seikkailunhaluisille pyöräilijöille, jotka haluavat tutustua Veneton maaseudun salaisuuksiin.

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