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Rauhalliset reitit ja upeat maisemat.

Pyöräilyreitit alkaen Ueberstorf

Ueberstorf on hyvä paikka maantie- ja hiekkatiepyöräilijöille, tarjoaa rauhallisia reittejä ja upeita maisemia. Lähellä sijaitsee tunnettuja pyöräilykohteita. Suosittu alue myös turistien keskuudessa.

Exciting road cycling tour around the picturesque Lake Morat

80 km
825 m

Experience the beauty of the Lake Morat region on this 80km road cycling route with 825m of ascent. The highlights include the charming villages of Wünnewil and Gurmels, as well as scenic viewpoints in Erlach and Neuenegg.

Scenic route through countryside and castles

64 km
1318 m

Experience the tranquil countryside as you cycle through Oberbalm and Oberschönegg on this road route. Visit the majestic Schloss Riggisberg and take in the historic charm of the region. Enjoy the scenic views along the way and explore the picturesque town of Heitenried.

Exciting road cycling adventure from Schmitten to Le Landeron

111 km
1702 m

Embark on a thrilling 111km road cycling adventure with 1702m of ascent from Schmitten to Le Landeron. Explore picturesque landscapes, charming villages, and scenic viewpoints along the way.

Historic route through picturesque towns and villages

154 km
2531 m

Discover the charming towns of Neuenegg, Biel/Bienne, and Moutier along this scenic road route. Cycle through the stunning Col de Pierre Pertuis and enjoy panoramic views from Mont Girod. Don't miss the cultural hub of Bern and the breathtaking viewpoint along the way.

Gravel ride through scenic landscapes

40 km
806 m

Enjoy a gravel ride through the tranquil landscapes of Heitenried and Sankt Ursen, with stunning views of the countryside. Explore the picturesque area of Wilerholz and take in the beauty of the natural surroundings. Cycle through Ueberstorf and discover the town's unique charm along this scenic route.

Challenging gravel route from Schmitten to Mont Vully with stunning views

84 km
1136 m

Take on the 84km gravel challenge with 1136m of ascent from Schmitten to Mont Vully. Highlights include the clock tower belvedère, Autafond, Rusy, Cudrefin, and Neuenegg.

Scenic gravel route with cultural highlights

46 km
957 m

Cycle through the picturesque landscapes of Heitenried and Dälehubel on this gravel route, with stunning views of the surrounding nature. Visit the historic city of Fribourg and explore its cultural attractions and architectural landmarks. Don't miss the photo spot in Fribourg and the charming town of Schmitten along the way.

Scenic gravel route from Schmitten to Laupen through the countryside

26 km
347 m

Embark on a 26km gravel adventure with 347m of ascent from Schmitten to Laupen. Highlights include the quaint village of Laupen and the natural beauty of Dälihubel.

Gravel journey with stunning lake views

99 km
1283 m

Embark on a gravel adventure through Wünnewil and Muntelier, enjoying panoramic views of Lake Morat along the way. Discover the historical town of Laupen and its medieval charm. Don't miss the picturesque Aussichtspunkt and the natural beauty of Hagneck on this scenic route.

Picturesque road cycling route from Wünnewil to Biel/Bienne

105 km
1309 m

Cycle through 105km of scenic landscapes with 1309m of ascent from Wünnewil to Biel/Bienne. Highlights include Galmiz, St.Jodel, La Neuveville, Jäissberg, Seedorf, and Chutzenturm.

Lähellä olevat pyöräilyreitit:

Läheiset alueet:

Kuva kohteesta Région lémanique
Région lémanique

Järvi- ja Alppimaisemat pyöräilijöille

Kuva kohteesta Nordwestschweiz

Haastavia nousuja ja vaihtelevaa maastoa

Kuva kohteesta Zentralschweiz

Mahtavat maisemat ja vaihtelevat pyöräilymahdollisuudet

Kuva kohteesta Ticino

Alppimaisemia eteläisellä tunnelmalla

Kuva kohteesta Freiburg
Katso suositellut pyöräilyreitit (englanniksi).
Kuva kohteesta Franche-Comté
Katso suositellut pyöräilyreitit (englanniksi).
Kuva kohteesta Alsace
Katso suositellut pyöräilyreitit (englanniksi).
Kuva kohteesta Rhône-Alpes

Haastavia vuorikiipeilyreittejä ja upeita maisemia tarjoava pyöräilijöiden paratiisi.

Kuva kohteesta Piemonte

Haastavia nousuja ja upeita maisemia Piemonten Alpeilta Apeniineille.
