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Upeita maastopyöräreittejä ja suosittu Monte Ceneri -nousu lähistöllä.

Pyöräilyreitit alkaen Gordola

Gordola sijaitsee Ticinon alueella Sveitsissä. Alueella on monia maastopyöräreittejä ja sorateitä, jotka tarjoavat haastetta kaiken tasoisille pyöräilijöille. Lähistöllä sijaitsee kuuluisa Monte Ceneri -nousu, joka on suosittu pyöräilijöiden keskuudessa. Gordola tarjoaa upeita näkymiä ja haastavia nousuja pyöräilijöille.

Ride through picturesque villages and enjoy the scenic beauty of Ticino

44 km
252 m

This gravel route takes you from Gordola to Cugnasco-Gerra, passing by Carasso, Lumino, and Monte Carasso. Experience the charm of traditional Swiss villages and stunning landscapes along the way.

Explore the charming villages and scenic landscapes of Ticino on this gravel route.

81 km
517 m

This 81 km gravel route starting near Gordola takes you through picturesque villages like Carasso and Lostallo, with a total ascent of 517m. Enjoy stunning views of the surrounding mountains and the beautiful Lake Maggiore. The highlight of the route is the climb to Monte Carasso, offering panoramic views of the region. The route also passes by the historic Torre di Beffan tower and ends in the charming town of Tenero.

Koe upea maantieretki Ticinon alueella

62 km
2402 m

Tämä 62 kilometrin pyöräreitti tarjoaa upeita näkymiä ja haastavaa mutkaista maastoa. Matkan varrella voit pysähtyä ihailemaan La Colman, Verscion ja Locin kauniita maisemia. Reitin varrella on myös mahdollista tutustua Testen historialliseen alueeseen ja vierailla kauniissa Golinon kylässä. Madonna del Sasso -kohdassa voit ihailla upeaa maisemaa ja jatkaa matkaa kohti Minisiota.

A road cycling adventure with stunning viewpoints and cultural sites

81 km
3153 m

Discover the beauty of Ticino on this scenic road cycling route from Gordola to Locarno. Pass by Minusio, Monte Verità, Orrido di Sant'Anna, and other highlights while enjoying breathtaking views and cultural landmarks along the way.

An exciting road cycling journey through historic sites and scenic landscapes

121 km
1371 m

Embark on a road cycling adventure from Gordola to Bellinzona, passing by Preonzo, Pollegio, Chiggiogna, and other cultural landmarks. Experience the rich history and natural beauty of Ticino while enjoying a challenging yet rewarding ride through picturesque countryside.

Embark on a 109 km road cycling journey through the Swiss Alps.

109 km
3135 m

Challenge yourself with a total ascent of 3135 meters as you pass through iconic spots like Monte Verità, Brissago, Cannobio, Possaccio, Aurano, Monte Spalavera, Monte Carza, and more. Enjoy breathtaking mountain views and experience the beauty of the Swiss Alps.

Panoramic road cycling journey through Ticino's diverse landscapes

108 km
1691 m

Experience the unique beauty of Monte Ceneri and Monte San Giorgio on this 108km road cycling route. Marvel at the breathtaking views from Terrazza Belvedere Pasqué and enjoy the charming villages of Rancio Valcuvia and Maccagno Superiore. Don't miss the chance to explore the cultural heritage at Corte di Quà and Valico di Sant'Antonio. Finish your ride in Gordola after a challenging ascent of 1691m.

Scenic road cycling adventure through the stunning Verzasca Valley

65 km
929 m

Embark on a 65km road cycling journey through the Verzasca Valley, known for its crystal-clear river, charming villages, and historic landmarks. Explore the cultural heritage of Gordemo and Cugnasco, and enjoy the picturesque views of Preonzo and Cresciano. Don't miss the chance to visit the iconic Castello di Montebello and the impressive Diga della Verzasca. Finish your ride with a sense of accomplishment after a 929m ascent.


Lakeside Escape

Cycle along the serene shores of Lago Maggiore on this 79 km road route.

79 km
1135 m

Enjoy a leisurely ride with a total ascent of 1135 meters as you pass through Gerra, Maccagno Superiore, Chiesa San Martino, Maccagno Inferiore, Piazzogna, and finally back to Gordola. Take in the beautiful lake views and charming villages along the way.

Explore the scenic beauty of Lago Maggiore on this 27 km road route.

27 km
226 m

Experience the picturesque villages of Cugnasco-Gerra, Contone, and Tenero as you cycle along the shores of the stunning Lago Maggiore. Enjoy a relatively easy ride with a total ascent of 226 meters.

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Région lémanique

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