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Pyöräilyreitit alkaen Buchrain

Buchrain sijaitsee Zentralschweizin alueella ja tarjoaa monipuolisia pyöräilyreittejä kauniissa ympäristössä. Alueen läheisyydessä sijaitsee myös tunnettu Pilatus-vuori, joka houkuttelee pyöräilijöitä haastaviin nousuihin. Buchrain on suosittu pyöräilykohde, jossa voi nauttia upeista maisemista ja haastavista reiteistä.

Maastopyöräreitti läpi upeiden maisemien

27 km
336 m

Tämä 27 kilometrin mittainen maastopyöräreitti tarjoaa upean seikkailun läpi Gletschergarten-Turmin ja auringonpaisteisille Sonnenbergin rinteille. Matkan varrella voit ihailla Littau-näkymiä ja tutustua Rathausenin tunneleihin. Reitti tarjoaa monipuolisia maisemia ja haastetta kaikentasoisille pyöräilijöille.

Discover hidden gems around the scenic Ägerisee lake on this gravel adventure.

75 km
1118 m

Explore the beautiful countryside and charming villages while tackling some challenging climbs. Enjoy stunning views of the lake and surrounding mountains as you ride through Guggi, Zug, and Arth. Don't miss the Unterwasserfenster/Bärengehege and finish the tour in Ebikon.

Embark on a thrilling gravel adventure through the scenic countryside of Schwyz

63 km
840 m

Discover the rugged beauty of Schwyz on this exciting gravel cycling adventure. The route features challenging terrain and breathtaking views, with highlights like Chappelerberg and Arth offering unique experiences. Explore the historic town of Küssnacht and enjoy the natural wonders of Goldau. From lush forests to rocky paths, this route promises an adrenaline-filled journey through the heart of Switzerland.

Embark on a scenic road cycling journey from Buchrain through charming towns to Dierikon.

46 km
616 m

Enjoy a smooth ride through the rolling hills and quaint villages of Hochdorf, Auw, and Dietwil. Experience the beauty of the countryside and stop to take in the scenic views along the way.

Vibrant cycling journey featuring the stunning Vierwaldstättersee and charming towns

142 km
3179 m

The route offers picturesque landscapes, including the iconic Vierwaldstättersee, with challenging climbs and rewarding descents. Numerous highlights dot the path, such as the historic Tellsplatte and the scenic Intschi. Explore the beauty of Küssnacht and Flüelen along the way. With a mix of nature and culture, this route promises an unforgettable cycling experience.


Lucerne Hills Loop

Experience the rolling hills and charming villages around Lucerne on this scenic loop

72 km
841 m

Embark on a cycling adventure through the rolling hills and picturesque villages surrounding Lucerne. With moderate ascents and gentle descents, the route offers a perfect balance of challenge and relaxation. Explore the quaint towns of Malters and Sursee, each with its own unique charm. The Gletschergarten-Turm and Lucerne highlight the region's natural beauty and cultural significance. From historic landmarks to stunning landscapes, this route showcases the best of Lucerne's countryside.


Rothenburg Circuit

Experience the scenic beauty and historic landmarks around Rothenburg on this captivating circuit

82 km
1032 m

Embark on a cycling adventure through the picturesque countryside surrounding Rothenburg. With moderate ascents and thrilling descents, the route offers a mix of natural beauty and cultural highlights. Discover charming towns like Sempach and Muri along the way, each with its own unique charm. The route also features the stunning Riffigweiher and Schloss Hallwyl, adding to the scenic experience. From lush landscapes to historic sights, this circuit provides a delightful and memorable cycling journey.

Maastopyöräilyseikkailu Zentralschweizissa

91 km
1812 m

Tämä 91 kilometrin mittainen maastopyöräreitti kulkee kauniin Lucernen kaupungin halki ja tarjoaa upeita näkymiä Gletschergarten-Turmiin ja lopuksi Emmeniin. Reitti on fyysisesti vaativa, mutta antaa unohtumattomia kokemuksia.

Kiehtova reitti Zentralschweiziaan

74 km
764 m

Tämä 74 kilometrin mittainen sora -ja metsäpolku vie sinut läpi kauniin alppimaiseman ja tarjoaa upeita näkymiä Inwilista aina Sinsiin ja Honauhun. Reitti on haastava, mutta palkitseva.

Experience the beautiful landscapes and charming villages surrounding Lucerne on this gravel route.

49 km
1209 m

Cycle through the peaceful countryside and quaint towns of Männliturm, Littau, and Schwarzenberg. Enjoy breathtaking views of nature and explore the diverse highlights along the way. Finish your adventure in Lucerne to complete a rewarding tour.

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