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Monipuoliset pyöräilymahdollisuudet ja tunnetut kiipeilykohteet Silenenissä.

Pyöräilyreitit alkaen Silenen

Silenen sijaitsee Sveitsissä Zentralschweizin alueella. Alue tarjoaa monipuolisia pyöräilymahdollisuuksia, kuten vuoristoteitä ja maaseutureittejä. Lähistöllä on myös tunnettuja kiipeilykohteita ja mahdollisuuksia haastaville poluille. Silenen on suosittu pyöräilijöiden keskuudessa.

Ride through stunning Swiss landscapes and conquer the challenging Klausenpass.

69 km
1950 m

Experience the thrill of ascending 1950 meters over 69 kilometers on this road cycling route. The highlights include the picturesque Niemerstafelbachfall and the charming village of Silenen.

Outdoor exploration combining cycling and hiking

44 km
1388 m

Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the Wassen region with this cycling and hiking adventure. Highlights include the tranquil village of Silenen, the historic Bahnhof Wassen, and the captivating landscapes of Wassen. Perfect for outdoor enthusiasts looking to combine cycling and hiking in a scenic setting.

Explore the Reussdeltaturm and surrounding landscapes on this gravel loop.

39 km
677 m

Enjoy a leisurely gravel ride with 677 meters of ascent over 39 kilometers. Highlights include the historic Schloss A Pro and the scenic village of Bauen.

Short road cycling loop with historical highlights

44 km
1466 m

Embark on a shorter cycling adventure that includes historical sites and scenic vistas. Highlights along the route include Tell'splatte, a monument commemorating William Tell, and the picturesque village of Sisikon. Perfect for cyclists looking for a blend of history and natural beauty.

Experience the stunning views from Aussichtsplattform Pfaffensprung on this gravel ride.

48 km
1880 m

Embark on a challenging gravel adventure with 1880 meters of ascent over 48 kilometers. Highlights include the panoramic Bahnhof Wassen and the tranquil village of Amsteg.

Discover the mythical Tellsplatte on this gravel cycling route.

48 km
1728 m

Ride through varied terrain with 1728 meters of ascent over 48 kilometers. Highlights include the iconic Tellsplatte and the historic town of Altdorf.

Embark on a gravel adventure through the rugged terrain near Attinghausen.

46 km
1824 m

This gravel route offers 1824 meters of ascent over 46 kilometers of challenging terrain. Highlights include the picturesque Rynächt and the serene village of Silenen.

Epic gravel cycling journey through the Gotthard Pass

102 km
3613 m

Embark on a challenging gravel cycling adventure through the stunning landscapes of the Gotthard Pass. Highlights include the picturesque village of Wassen, the historic Hospental, and the breathtaking Passo del San Gottardo. Experience the thrill of cycling on gravel roads surrounded by majestic mountains and pristine nature.

Scenic road cycling adventure

88 km
2559 m

The route takes you through picturesque Swiss landscape with challenging ascents and thrilling descents. Highlights include the quaint village of Glatten, the tranquil Vorfrutt lake, and the iconic Klausenpass mountain pass. A must-do for road cycling enthusiasts seeking a mix of beauty and challenge.

Ultimate gravel cycling experience in the Gotthard region

62 km
2167 m

Embark on an epic gravel cycling journey through the challenging terrain of the Gotthard Pass region. Highlights include the picturesque village of Wassen, the historic Hospental, and the scenic Gurtnellen valley. A must-do for gravel cyclists seeking a combination of adventure and natural beauty in the heart of Switzerland.

Lähellä olevat pyöräilyreitit:

Läheiset alueet:

Kuva kohteesta Région lémanique
Région lémanique

Järvi- ja Alppimaisemat pyöräilijöille

Kuva kohteesta Espace Mittelland
Espace Mittelland

Maalauksellinen maaseutu ja historialliset kylät

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Upeat järvi- ja vuoristonäkymät

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Katso suositellut pyöräilyreitit (englanniksi).
Kuva kohteesta Piemonte

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Kuva kohteesta Liechtenstein
Katso suositellut pyöräilyreitit (englanniksi).