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Untere Fellach Scenic Road Trip

A road cycling route starting from Untere Fellach

Immerse yourself in breathtaking landscapes and explore cultural heritage.


Immerse yourself in the stunning landscapes of Kärnten with the Untere Fellach Scenic Road Trip. This 117-kilometer route offers a mix of breathtaking views and cultural highlights. With a total ascent of 2578 meters, this road trip is suitable for experienced cyclists. Highlights along the route include Oswaldiberg, Arriach, Tiebel, Brenitzberg, Weitensfeld im Gurktal, Zammelsberg, Burgruine Prägrad, Wernberg, Aussichtsplattform, and Burg Villach. These attractions provide glimpses into the region's rich history and offer opportunities to appreciate the natural beauty of Kärnten.

117 km
2578 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Villach City center
Untere Fellach: Untere Fellach: Cycling Paradise in the Beautiful Kärnten Region
Untere Fellach is located in the Kärnten region of Austria and offers an excellent cycling experience for enthusiasts of all kinds. Road cyclists will enjoy riding on smooth roads, exploring the rolling hills and picturesque landscapes of the region. Gravel cyclists will find numerous off-road trails and paths to explore, surrounded by stunning natural beauty. Untere Fellach also serves as a gateway to some famous climbs nearby, attracting advanced riders looking for a challenge. With its diverse range of cycling options and scenic routes, Untere Fellach is a must-visit destination for cycling enthusiasts.
Oswaldiberg963 mPeak
Oswaldiberg is a scenic viewpoint offering panoramic vistas of the surrounding mountains and valleys.
Arriach is a picturesque village known for its traditional architecture and captivating alpine landscapes.
Tiebel is a charming hamlet nestled in the heart of nature. Enjoy the tranquility and beauty of the surroundings.
Brenitzberg915 mPeak
Brenitzberg is a scenic hill with rolling meadows and panoramic views. Take a moment to savor the stunning vistas.
Weitensfeld im GurktalTown
Weitensfeld im Gurktal is a small village surrounded by picturesque countryside. Explore its narrow streets and soak in the peaceful atmosphere.
Zammelsberg1171 mPeak
Zammelsberg is a mountain known for its lush greenery and pristine hiking trails. Find your inner peace in this serene location.
Burgruine PrägradCastle
Burgruine Prägrad is a medieval fortress offering captivating views of the picturesque Gurk Valley.
Wernberg is a historic town with charming architecture and well-preserved medieval buildings.
Aussichtsplattform is an observation deck providing panoramic vistas of the surrounding landscapes.
Burg VillachCastle
Burg Villach is a magnificent castle perched on a hill, showcasing centuries of history and surrounded by beautiful landscapes.
Finish: Villach City center
Untere Fellach: Untere Fellach: Cycling Paradise in the Beautiful Kärnten Region

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