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Ybbs Valley Adventure

A road cycling route starting from Biberbach

Venture through the scenic landscapes of Ybbs Valley


Embark on an exciting adventure through the captivating landscapes of Ybbs Valley. Cycle through historical landmarks and picturesque towns as you soak in the natural beauty of the region. From the stunning Galgenbühel to the enchanting town of Waidhofen an der Ybbs, this route offers a perfect blend of challenging climbs and cultural exploration. With its diverse highlights and scenic vistas, this tour is sure to delight both nature enthusiasts and avid cyclists.

77 km
1427 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Adersdorf Village center
Biberbach: Experience incredible views and historic charm while cycling in Biberbach.
Biberbach, located in Niederösterreich region of Austria, offers fantastic road and gravel cycling options amidst spectacular surroundings. The locality is blessed with scenic landscapes, including rolling hills, vineyards, and charming Austrian villages. Cyclists can enjoy rides through the countryside, passing by historic castles and enjoying stunning views of the Danube River. Biberbach is situated near several popular cycling routes, including the 'Danube Cycle Path' and the 'Wachau Valley Cycling Path.' With its cyclist-friendly infrastructure, breathtaking scenery, and proximity to renowned cycling routes, Biberbach is a great spot for cycling enthusiasts.
Galgenbühel493 mPeak
Waidhofen an der YbbsTown
Visit Waidhofen an der Ybbs, a charming town known for its rich culture and historical architecture.
Explore the scenic wonders of Gaflenz and enjoy the peaceful ambiance of this rural town.
Kreuzberg611 mPeak
Take a challenging climb up Kreuzberg and relish in the breathtaking views over the surrounding valleys.
Schafkogel739 mPeak
Marvel at the majestic Schafkogel and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the region.
Discover the picturesque town of Großraming and its charming streets lined with historic buildings.
Maria NeustiftVillage
Make a stop at Maria Neustift and visit its impressive monastery, known for its religious significance.
Rastberg688 mPeak
Experience the stunning panoramic views from Rastberg and capture picturesque moments.
Explore Seitenstetten, known for its beautiful abbey and tranquil surroundings.
Burnerhöhe356 mPeak
Climb up to Burnerhöhe and admire the breathtaking views over the Ybbs Valley.
Finish: Adersdorf Village center
Biberbach: Experience incredible views and historic charm while cycling in Biberbach.

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