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Weißenstein Loop

A gravel cycling route starting from Frankenmarkt

Explore the scenic landscapes around Weißenstein and uncover hidden gems.


The Weißenstein Loop is a captivating cycling route that takes you through the stunning landscapes around Weißenstein. With a total distance of 56 kilometers and an ascent of 966 meters, this route offers a combination of gravel tracks and quiet country roads. Highlights along the way include charming villages, historic landmarks, and panoramic viewpoints. Discover the hidden gems of Oberösterreich and soak in the natural beauty of the region.

56 km
966 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Frankenmarkt Village center
Frankenmarkt: Bike through idyllic Salzkammergut landscapes.
Frankenmarkt, situated in Oberösterreich region of Austria, offers a moderate cycling experience. The locality features a mix of quiet roads and paved bike paths that wind through picturesque landscapes. While Frankenmarkt may not have any famous cycling spots or well-known climbs nearby, it provides an ideal starting point for exploring the Salzkammergut region. Known for its stunning lakes and mountainous landscapes, Salzkammergut offers refreshing cycling routes and bucolic views. Cyclists can pedal alongside picturesque lakes like Wolfgangsee or Hallstättersee, taking in the natural beauty of the Austrian countryside. For those seeking a peaceful and scenic biking adventure, Frankenmarkt serves as an excellent base.
Frankenmarkt is a charming village surrounded by picturesque scenery. Take a moment to enjoy the tranquil atmosphere and historic architecture.
Weißenstein683 mPeak
Weißenstein is a small village known for its beautiful churches and traditional Austrian houses. Explore the streets and soak in the local culture.
Kalteis734 mPeak
Kalteis is a quaint hamlet with stunning views. Situated amidst rolling hills, it provides a peaceful escape from daily life.
Pöndorf is a delightful village with a rich history. Walk around and discover its many well-preserved buildings and charming streets.
Finish: Frankenmarkt Village center
Frankenmarkt: Bike through idyllic Salzkammergut landscapes.

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