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Martinskirche Road Cycling Route

A road cycling route starting from Puchheim

A scenic road cycling route with a breathtaking view from Martinskirche


The Martinskirche Road Cycling Route is a 68-km long scenic route with a moderate ascent of 591 meters. One of the highlights of this route is the beautiful view from Martinskirche, offering panoramic vistas of the surrounding landscape. Other highlights along the way include Desselbrunn, Bad Wimsbach-Neydharting, and Eberstalzell. The difficulty level of this route is moderate, suitable for well-trained amateurs. It is a moderately epic journey with an overall score of 3.

68 km
591 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Attnang-Puchheim City center
Puchheim: Tranquil village cycling with rewarding climbs in Puchheim.
Puchheim is a locality located in the Oberösterreich region of Austria.' For road and gravel cyclists, Puchheim offers a mix of terrain, ranging from flat areas along the Feldkirchen Lakes to hilly sections with rewarding climbs. The roads are well-maintained, providing a smooth riding experience. Puchheim itself is a tranquil village known for its natural beauty and scenic landscapes. Nearby cycling attractions include the Haftberg climb and the Herrgottsbergpanorama route. These routes offer challenging gradients and stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Puchheim is an ideal destination for cyclists seeking picturesque rides and invigorating climbs.
Blick von der MartinskircheViewpoint
Located along the route, a stop at Martinskirche offers a stunning view of the surrounding landscape.
Desselbrunn, a town en route, is worth a visit for its charming atmosphere and local attractions.
Bad Wimsbach-NeydhartingVillage
Bad Wimsbach-Neydharting, another highlight on the route, offers unique cultural experiences and beautiful buildings to explore.
Eberstalzell is a picturesque stop with scenic views and a relaxing atmosphere.
Steyrermühl is a small village with its own unique charm. It's a pleasant place to stop and take a break during the cycling journey.
Attnang-Puchheim, the end point of the route, is a vibrant town with plenty of amenities for cyclists to enjoy.
Finish: Attnang-Puchheim City center
Puchheim: Tranquil village cycling with rewarding climbs in Puchheim.

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