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Countryside Gravel Ride near Vöcklamarkt

A gravel cycling route starting from Voecklamarkt

Embark on a scenic gravel ride through the beautiful countryside near Vöcklamarkt


Experience the beauty of the Austrian countryside on this 53 km gravel ride, with an ascent of 983 m. Explore charming villages, rolling hills, and idyllic landscapes, immersing yourself in the rich culture and natural beauty of the region.

53 km
983 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Vöcklamarkt Village center
Vöcklamarkt: Experience the Austrian Alps and explore meandering roads and off-road trails in scenic Vöcklamarkt.
Vöcklamarkt is a scenic locality situated in the Oberösterreich region of Austria. With its charming countryside and surrounding mountains, it offers a plethora of cycling opportunities. Road cyclists will enjoy the undulating roads that wind through picturesque villages and offer stunning views of the Austrian Alps. Gravel cyclists can explore the off-road trails that lead through forests and alongside rivers, providing a serene cycling experience. A notable cycling spot nearby is the famous Schafberg, known for its challenging ascent and panoramic vistas. Vöcklamarkt is a haven for cyclists seeking both beauty and adventure.
Frankenburg am HausruckVillage
Discover the historic town of Frankenburg am Hausruck, known for its medieval architecture and narrow streets.
Eberschwang offers scenic routes and peaceful surroundings, making it a popular cycling destination.
Sulzberg771 mPeak
Sulzberg is a charming village with traditional Austrian charm and beautiful landscapes.
Urhamerberg745 mPeak
Visit Urhamerberg and admire the traditional Austrian architecture in this serene village.
Zell am PettenfirstHamlet
Zell am Pettenfirst is a picturesque village known for its stunning views and outdoor recreational activities.
Neukirchen an der VöcklaVillage
Neukirchen an der Vöckla is a quaint village with a rich history and beautiful natural surroundings.
Vöcklamarkt, your starting and ending point, is a town with a thriving cultural scene and a historic center worth exploring.
Finish: Vöcklamarkt Village center
Vöcklamarkt: Experience the Austrian Alps and explore meandering roads and off-road trails in scenic Vöcklamarkt.

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