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Legendary climbs and majestic landscapes in Ramsau im Zillertal.

Cycling routes from Ramsau im Zillertal

Ramsau im Zillertal is a locality located in Tirol, Austria. As a road and gravel cyclist, Ramsau im Zillertal offers breathtaking mountain scenery and challenging climbs. The roads in the locality are well-maintained, allowing cyclists to navigate through the mountains with ease. Ramsau im Zillertal is also home to Gerlos Pass, a popular cycling spot with stunning panoramic views. Cyclists can test their endurance by conquering the famous climb or explore other scenic routes in the area. With its legendary climbs and majestic landscapes, Ramsau im Zillertal receives a rank of 5 from a cyclist's perspective, making it a must-visit destination for cycling enthusiasts.

Discover the rugged beauty of the Zillertal on this epic gravel adventure.

95 km
3171 m

Experience the ultimate gravel cycling adventure in the Zillertal. This route takes you through stunning landscapes, challenging ascents, and highlights ancient castles along the way. With a total ascent of 3,171 meters and a distance of 95 kilometers, this ride is perfect for those seeking a challenging and rewarding cycling experience. The route begins in Ramsau im Zillertal and takes you through the picturesque village of Zell am Ziller, where you can explore its charming streets and enjoy a well-deserved break. As you continue, you'll pass Schloss Stumm, an impressive castle with a rich history. The highlight of the route is the ascent to the summit of Wiedersberger Horn, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains. After conquering the challenging Lämpersberg climb, you'll descend through Hart im Zillertal and return to Ramsau im Zillertal. This route is a must-do for gravel enthusiasts looking for a memorable cycling adventure in the heart of the Austrian Alps.

A thrilling road cycling route from Ramsau to Aschau with highlights including Schlitterer Wasserfall and Hinterkogel.

66 km
415 m

This road cycling route starts in Ramsau and takes you through the scenic village of Aschau with its beautiful landscapes. Along the way, you can visit the impressive Schlitterer Waserfall and enjoy the breathtaking views from Hinterkogel. The route continues to Kramsach, a quaint town known for its historic buildings and vibrant atmosphere. Finally, you will reach the challenging Spitzerköpfel, which offers panoramic views of the surrounding mountains. Overall, this route is suitable for well-trained amateur cyclists and offers a mix of natural and cultural highlights.

Experience a challenging road cycling route through Ramsau, Schwaz, and Zell am Ziller.

89 km
1839 m

This road cycling route takes you from Ramsau to the vibrant town of Hippach, where you can explore its charming streets and enjoy the beautiful scenery. Along the way, you can visit Burbach, known for its traditional Tyrolean architecture. The route also includes a stop at Ausblick, offering panoramic views of the Zillertal Valley. Schlitterer Waserfall, a magnificent waterfall, provides a refreshing break before the challenging climb up Brettfallkopf. The route continues towards Schwaz, a historic town with a rich cultural heritage. Don't miss the opportunity to visit Die "Schöne Aussicht", an iconic viewpoint known for its panoramic vistas. Finally, you will reach Spitzerköpfel, a challenging climb that rewards cyclists with stunning mountain views. The route concludes in Uderns and Zell am Ziller, two picturesque towns offering a range of amenities and outdoor activities. This route is recommended for experienced cyclists looking for a challenging road cycling adventure.

A thrilling gravel cycling route through the stunning Zillertal Valley

73 km
2971 m

The Gravel Adventure is an exciting gravel cycling route that takes you through the picturesque Zillertal Valley in Tirol, Austria. Covering a distance of 73 kilometers and with an ascent of 2971 meters, this route is suitable for experienced cyclists. Starting near Ramsau im Zillertal, the route takes you off-road, offering a thrilling and adventurous experience. Highlights along the route include the charming town of Hippach, where you can take a quick break and enjoy its traditional Tyrolean charm. As you cycle further, you'll encounter beautiful natural landscapes and panoramic views of the Zillertal Alps. The Gravel Adventure is a challenging and exhilarating cycling route that provides a unique perspective of the stunning Zillertal Valley.

Explore the beautiful Achensee region on this challenging road cycling route.

201 km
3579 m

The Achensee loop is a breathtaking road cycling route that takes you through the stunning scenery of the Achensee region in Tirol, Austria. With a total distance of 201 kilometers and an ascent of 3579 meters, it is not for the faint-hearted. The route starts in Ramsau im Zillertal and takes you through picturesque towns and villages such as Uderns, Wiesing, Achenkirch, and Kreuth. One of the highlights of the route is the magnificent Achensee, the largest lake in Tirol. As you cycle along its shores, you will be rewarded with stunning views of the crystal-clear water and surrounding mountains. Another highlight is the historic Burgruine Thierberg, a castle ruin located on a hill overlooking the Zillertal valley.

Embark on an epic gravel adventure from Ramsau to the famous Krimml Waterfalls.

96 km
3592 m

Prepare yourself for a thrilling and challenging gravel cycling route from Ramsau to Zell am Ziller. From there, you will venture into the mountains, passing through Karspitz and Königsleiten. The highlight of the route is the majestic Krimml Waterfalls, one of the highest waterfalls in Europe. After a refreshing stop at the waterfalls, you will continue towards Staubige Reib, known for its rugged terrain and stunning views. The route also takes you through the picturesque village of Gerlos, followed by the scenic Gerlospass. Finally, you will reach Hainzenberg, offering panoramic views of the Zillertal Valley. This route is recommended for experienced and adventurous cyclists seeking a memorable gravel cycling experience.

Explore the gravel roads of Ramsau and enjoy highlights such as Penken and Glocke.

51 km
2000 m

Begin your gravel cycling adventure in Ramsau before heading towards Hochsteg, a small village with beautiful landscapes. Along the route, you will pass through Penken, a popular ski resort that offers stunning views of the Zillertal Alps. The climb up Rotkopf will challenge your cycling skills with its steep terrain and rewarding panoramic vistas. After reaching Tux, a picturesque village surrounded by rugged mountains, you can take a break at Glocke, a peaceful spot known for its tranquility and natural beauty. Continuing on to Finkenberg, you will be rewarded with more breathtaking views of the Zillertal Valley. Finally, the route concludes in Hippach, offering easy access to various outdoor activities and comfortable accommodations. This route is suitable for experienced gravel cyclists looking to explore scenic mountain landscapes.

A scenic cycling route through the Zillertal Valley

193 km
2364 m

The Zillertaler Radweg is a fantastic cycling route that takes you through the picturesque Zillertal Valley in Tirol, Austria. With a total distance of 193 kilometers and an ascent of 2364 meters, this road cycling route is suitable for well-trained amateurs. The route starts near Ramsau im Zillertal and passes through several charming towns, offering stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. Highlights along the route include Schwaz, a historic silver mining town, and the famous Europa Bridge, which offers breathtaking views of the river below. Overall, the Zillertaler Radweg provides a challenging and rewarding cycling experience for enthusiasts of all levels.

Discover the gravel roads of Ramsau and enjoy highlights such as Ritzl and Hollenzkofel.

55 km
2042 m

This gravel cycling route takes you from Ramsau to Schwendau, where you can explore the scenic countryside and experience the thrill of off-road cycling. Along the way, you can stop by Ritzl, a quiet village with beautiful landscapes. The route also includes a challenging climb up Hollenzkofel, offering panoramic views of the surrounding mountains. Finally, you will reach Mayrhofen, a popular destination known for its vibrant atmosphere and outdoor recreational opportunities. This route is recommended for experienced cyclists looking for off-road adventures and breathtaking scenery.

An exhilarating road cycling route with stunning mountain views

83 km
2333 m

The Zillertal High Road is a thrilling road cycling route that takes you along the scenic Zillertal Valley in Tirol, Austria. With a total distance of 83 kilometers and an ascent of 2333 meters, this route is suitable for well-trained amateurs. Starting near Ramsau im Zillertal, the route offers breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and passes through several charming towns and villages along the way. Highlights include the village of Gerlos, renowned for its stunning natural beauty, and the famous Krimml Waterfalls, one of the tallest waterfalls in Europe. Overall, the Zillertal High Road provides a challenging and exhilarating cycling experience with panoramic mountain views.

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Image of Schwendau

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