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Masnuy-Saint-Jean - Villerot - Thumaide - Blicquy - Chièvres - Lens

A gravel cycling route starting from Masnuy-Saint-Jean

A gravel cycling route highlighting the region's natural landscapes and picturesque villages


Experience the tranquil beauty of the region on this gravel cycling route starting near Masnuy-Saint-Jean. Begin your journey in Masnuy-Saint-Jean, where you can explore the town's historical and architectural treasures. Cycle through Villerot, a small village dotted with lovely houses and peaceful surroundings. Thumaide treats you to picturesque landscapes, and the village of Blicquy captivates with its rustic charm. Chièvres offers a mix of natural beauty and historical sites, while Lens showcases quintessential Belgian countryside. With moderate difficulty and a collection of captivating villages and landscapes to explore, this gravel route promises a delightful cycling experience.

65 km
257 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Masnuy-Saint-Jean Village center
Masnuy-Saint-Jean: Tranquil cycling in Masnuy-Saint-Jean
Masnuy-Saint-Jean is a locality in the Prov. Hainaut region of Belgium. As a cyclist, Masnuy-Saint-Jean offers a countryside charm and peaceful cycling routes. The area is surrounded by green fields and meadows, creating a serene atmosphere for cycling enthusiasts. The Brabantse Pijl, a famous cycling race, passes through Masnuy-Saint-Jean, attracting professional cyclists and fans. With its tranquil landscapes and cycling-friendly environment, Masnuy-Saint-Jean is a delightful destination for cyclists wanting to ride amidst nature.
Masnuy-Saint-Jean is a picturesque town boasting a rich history, charming cobblestone streets, and a medieval castle, making it an enchanting highlight at the start of the gravel cycling route.
Villerot offers delightful houses and a serene atmosphere, providing a pleasant break during the gravel cycling journey and a chance to enjoy the idyllic surroundings.
Thumaide is surrounded by charming countryside landscapes, making it an ideal spot to immerse yourself in the serene beauty of nature during the cycling tour.
Blicquy is a rustic village known for its scenic beauty and tranquility, offering charming cottages surrounded by greenery, creating a memorable moment on the gravel cycling route.
Chièvres is characterized by its rich history, featuring ancient buildings and historic sites along with stunning natural surroundings, making it an intriguing highlight during the cycling journey.
Lens treats cyclists with typical Belgian countryside landscapes, including vast fields, serene farmland, and quaint villages, allowing riders to immerse themselves in the region's unique rural charm.
Finish: Masnuy-Saint-Jean Village center
Masnuy-Saint-Jean: Tranquil cycling in Masnuy-Saint-Jean