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Gravel Escape

A gravel cycling route starting from Crombach

Embark on an challenging gravel cycling adventure near Crombach that showcases the region's natural beauty.


Prepare for an intense gravel cycling experience filled with challenging terrains and breathtaking scenery. With an ascent of 1127 meters and a distance of 69 kilometers, this route is suited for experienced off-road cyclists seeking an adrenaline rush. Cycle through Medell, where rugged paths and untamed beauty converge, before traversing through renowned spots like Steinebrück and Rüfensberg. Conclude this memorable escapade in Crombach, where tranquility and natural splendor harmonize.

69 km
1127 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Crombach Village center
Crombach: Reveling in the elegance of Côte de Wanne and picturesque countryside in Crombach
Crombach, located in Province of Liège, Belgium, is a locality that offers a mix of road and gravel cycling options. With its rolling hills and well-paved roads, it provides a great cycling experience for riders of all levels. Cyclists can enjoy exploring the picturesque countryside, passing through small villages and admiring the natural beauty of the region. Nearby, the famous climb of Côte de Wanne awaits adventurous cyclists, providing a memorable challenge. Crombach is an excellent choice for cyclists looking to enjoy scenic rides and tackle iconic climbs.
Medell unveils the raw beauty of untamed landscapes, challenging gravel riders to conquer its rugged paths. Relish in the triumph of conquering the uncharted wilderness, surrounded by nature's awe-inspiring wonders.
Losheimergraben rewards gravel adventurers with striking natural beauty and remote tranquility. The picturesque surroundings and unbeaten trails make this spot a hidden gem worth exploring.
Eichelsberg677 mPeak
Eichelsberg offers a exhilarating ascent on untamed gravel paths, interspersed with sweeping panoramic views. Brace yourself for a challenging yet rewarding section of the route that showcases the region's unique charm.
Manderfeld enchants cyclists with its unspoiled natural beauty and serene landscapes. Take a moment to immerse yourself in the countryside tranquility and soak up the verdant wonders that surround you.
Steinebrück beckons gravel enthusiasts with its rugged terrains and captivating panoramic vistas. Traverse through this natural marvel and immerse yourself in the gripping allure of remote wilderness.
Rüfensberg529 mPeak
Rüfensberg presents a formidable challenge that rewards gravel riders with stunning views over untamed landscapes. Emerge triumphant atop this legendary climb and appreciate the tranquility of the sprawling ridgelines.
Crombach, the starting and end point of this gravel adventure, encapsulates the essence of the region's natural beauty. Revel in the serene landscapes and celebrate your journey amidst the tranquil ambiance of this charming village.
Finish: Crombach Village center
Crombach: Reveling in the elegance of Côte de Wanne and picturesque countryside in Crombach

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