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Thibessart Loop

A road cycling route starting from Neufchateau

Experience the charm of Thibessart and its surrounding landscapes on this road cycling route.


This road cycling route near Neufchâteau offers a delightful experience that showcases the beauty of Thibessart and its idyllic surroundings. The route provides a mix of gentle ascents, scenic views, and peaceful countryside landscapes. Along the way, make sure to stop at Longlier, a picturesque village known for its captivating architecture. Gennevaux is another highlight, offering panoramic views and a chance to appreciate the natural beauty of the region. Thibessart itself provides a charming setting with its traditional houses and picturesque streets. Finally, Hamipré offers a peaceful ambiance and a perfect spot for relaxation. This route is ideal for leisurely rides and exploring the scenic beauty of the area.

41 km
519 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Neufchâteau City center
Neufchâteau: Cycling Adventures in Neufchâteau's Tranquil Countryside
Neufchâteau is a locality situated in the Province of Luxembourg (BE), Belgium. For cyclists, Neufchâteau offers a wide range of cycling options amidst its tranquil countryside surroundings. The region features rolling hills, picturesque landscapes, and charming villages, creating an idyllic setting for cycling enthusiasts. Road cyclists can enjoy the smooth roads and explore the scenic routes that wind through the countryside. Gravel cyclists can venture into the forested areas and discover the gravel paths that provide an adventurous riding experience. Neufchâteau does not have any particular famous cycling-related spots or well-known climbs nearby, but its peaceful ambiance and beautiful cycling routes make it a desirable destination for cyclists.
Explore the captivating village of Longlier and admire its picturesque architecture.
Enjoy panoramic views and embrace the natural beauty as you pass through Gennevaux.
Discover the charm of Thibessart and take a moment to explore its traditional houses and streets.
Relax and unwind in the peaceful ambiance of Hamipré.
Finish: Neufchâteau City center
Neufchâteau: Cycling Adventures in Neufchâteau's Tranquil Countryside

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