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Cultural Highlights of Tielt

A road cycling route starting from Ruiselede

Discover the cultural highlights of Tielt on this road cycling route


This road cycling route takes you through the charming town of Tielt, known for its rich cultural heritage and historic landmarks. With a moderate difficulty level and some interesting highlights along the way, this route offers a perfect balance of cycling and cultural exploration. Get ready to immerse yourself in the fascinating history and captivating beauty of Tielt!

58 km
124 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Ruiselede Village center
Ruiselede: Cyclist's Oasis in West-Vlaanderen Province
Ruiselede is a locality located in the West-Vlaanderen province of Belgium. From a cyclist's perspective, Ruiselede offers a diverse range of cycling routes through scenic landscapes. The region is known for its picturesque countryside, featuring fields, forests, and charming villages. Cyclists can explore routes that pass by historic castles, such as Tielt Castle. The town serves as an excellent starting point for cycling adventures in the West Flemish Hills, renowned for their challenging climbs, including the Oude Kwaremont and Paterberg. Overall, Ruiselede combines natural beauty, rich history, and thrilling cycling routes, making it a favored locality among cyclists.
Tielt is a cultural hub with numerous museums, art galleries, and architectural treasures to explore.
Hille is a small village with a rich rural heritage. Take a moment to admire its traditional buildings and charming landscapes.
Doomkerke is a hidden gem with picturesque landscapes and a tranquil ambiance. Stop by to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere.
Finish: Ruiselede Village center
Ruiselede: Cyclist's Oasis in West-Vlaanderen Province

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