Cover image

Kyjov - Snovídky - Lichov - Litenčice - Rozhledna Zdenička - Roštín - Zástřizly - Vrše - Makovica - Přírodní památka Losky - Kyjov

A road cycling route starting from Kyjov

A challenging road cycling route with stunning views and natural landmarks


This round-trip cycling route near Kyjov offers a challenging ride with a total distance of 88 km and an ascent of 1100 m. You'll pass through picturesque villages, climb to scenic viewpoints, and experience the beauty of the local nature. Well-trained amateur cyclists will enjoy the diverse terrain and rewarding vistas along the way.

88 km
1100 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Kyjov City center
Kyjov: Lively cycling in Kyjov
Kyjov is a lively town located in the Jihovýchod region of the Czech Republic. It offers some cycling opportunities with its varied terrain and well-connected network of roads. The town itself has a vibrant atmosphere, with numerous cultural attractions, including museums and festivals. Kyjov is surrounded by beautiful countryside, featuring vineyards, forests, and lakes, providing plenty of scenic routes for cyclists. Nearby, cyclists can find the famous Prášilská Navrh road, which is popular among cyclists looking for a challenging climb. Overall, Kyjov is a great destination for road and gravel cyclists, combining cultural experiences with enjoyable rides.
Snovídky is a small village with beautiful countryside views. The winding roads and rolling hills make for an exhilarating cycling experience.
Lichov380 mPeak
Lichov is known for its traditional Moravian houses and lush green meadows. Immerse yourself in the peaceful countryside as you cycle through the area.
Litenčice is a quaint village surrounded by vineyards. Taste the local wines and learn about the region's rich winemaking traditions.
Rozhledna ZdeničkaViewpoint
Rozhledna Zdenička is a lookout tower offering breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. Climb to the top and admire the panorama.
Roštín is a historic village with well-preserved architecture. Explore the charming streets and visit the local museum to learn about the area's history.
Zástřizly is surrounded by rolling hills and vast fields. Enjoy the tranquil atmosphere as you cycle through this idyllic countryside.
Vrše472 mPeak Viewpoint
Vrše is known for its scenic nature trails and peaceful atmosphere. Take a break from cycling and explore the beautiful forests and meadows.
Makovica442 mPeak
Makovica is a small village nestled in the heart of nature. Cycle through the peaceful surroundings and enjoy the refreshing air.
Přírodní památka LoskyAttraction
Přírodní památka Losky is a natural reserve with diverse wildlife and beautiful hiking trails. Take a moment to observe the local fauna and flora.
Kyjov is a vibrant town with a rich cultural heritage. Visit the local historic sites and explore the town's lively atmosphere.
Finish: Kyjov City center
Kyjov: Lively cycling in Kyjov

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