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Historical Road Cycling Route

A road cycling route starting from Auning

Explore the rich history of the region


Embark on a historical road cycling route starting near Auning in Midtjylland, Denmark. This 55-kilometer route takes you through picturesque countryside and historical villages, offering a glimpse into the region's vibrant past. Discover hidden gems, impressive architecture, and fascinating stories as you pedal through Auning, Nimtofte, Tøstrup, Ryomgård, and Pindstrup before returning to Auning.

55 km
191 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Auning Village center
Auning: Scenic routes and a picturesque fjord
Auning is a locality located in the Midtjylland region of Denmark. For road and gravel cyclists, Auning offers a range of scenic routes that pass through beautiful countryside and rural areas. The gently rolling terrain and well-maintained roads make it an ideal destination for leisurely rides. One of the well-known cycling-related spots near Auning is Mariager Fjord, a picturesque fjord that provides stunning views for cyclists. With its peaceful routes and natural beauty, Auning is a suitable choice for cyclists looking to explore the Danish countryside.
Auning, the starting point of the route, is a small town with a rich history. Explore its charming streets and visit Auning Church, which dates back to the 12th century. Don't miss the Auning Windmill located nearby for a stunning view of the surrounding area.
Make a stop at Nimtofte, a village known for its impressive Nimtofte Manor. Take a guided tour of the manor and learn about its fascinating history. The village also offers picturesque views of the surrounding nature.
At the 25-kilometer mark, you'll come across Tøstrup, a charming village with well-preserved traditional Danish houses. Take a stroll through the village and soak in the peaceful atmosphere.
Ryomgård, located at the 44-kilometer mark, is surrounded by beautiful nature reserves. Take a moment to explore the trails or enjoy a picnic among the lush greenery before continuing your journey.
Pindstrup is a small village with a rich agricultural history. Experience the local farm culture and rural vibes before heading back towards Auning.
Finish: Auning Village center
Auning: Scenic routes and a picturesque fjord

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