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Ebeltoft Coastline Ride

A road cycling route starting from Ebeltoft

Experience the breathtaking coastline of Ebeltoft on this scenic road route.


The Ebeltoft Coastline Ride is a stunning road route that showcases the natural beauty of the Danish coast. With a distance of 91 kilometers and an ascent of 527 meters, this route is suitable for experienced cyclists. The highlight of this route is Ebeltoft, a charming town with historic cobblestone streets and picturesque harbor. Other highlights include Stolpehøj, Ærøskøbing Mill, and Grenaa, a lively coastal town with beautiful beaches and vibrant seaside atmosphere.

91 km
527 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Ebeltoft City center
Ebeltoft: Explore scenic coastal routes and nature in Ebeltoft.
Ebeltoft is a town located in Denmark, specifically in the Midtjylland region. The town offers a pleasant cycling experience for both road and gravel cyclists. Ebeltoft is known for its well-maintained cycling paths and scenic coastal routes, appealing to cyclists of all levels. Additionally, the town is located near Mols Bjerge National Park, which provides opportunities for mountain biking enthusiasts. While Ebeltoft may not have any famous cycling-related spots, its cycling infrastructure, combined with its natural beauty, makes it a great destination for cycling and tourism.
Ebeltoft is a picturesque town known for its well-preserved 18th-century architecture. Take a stroll through the cobblestone streets and visit the historic reindeer antler carving museum.
Stolpehøj60 mPeak
Stolpehøj is a scenic hill with panoramic views of the surrounding coastline. Pause here to capture a memorable photo of the stunning landscape.
Nødager is a quaint village with a charming atmosphere. Take a break here and explore the local shops and cafes.
Ørum is a small town known for its historic buildings and beautiful nature. Enjoy the peaceful surroundings as you pass through the area.
Grenaa offers beautiful beaches and a lively seaside atmosphere. Take some time to relax on the sandy shores or explore the town's shops and restaurants.
Historiske kalkbrændeovneAttraction
Historiske kalkbrændeovne are historic lime kilns that offer a glimpse into Denmark's industrial past.
Jernhatten is a coastal rock formation known for its natural beauty and panoramic views of the ocean. Don't miss the opportunity to admire the scenery.
Finish: Ebeltoft City center
Ebeltoft: Explore scenic coastal routes and nature in Ebeltoft.

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