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Road Cycling Adventure Near Hornslet

A road cycling route starting from Hornslet

Explore the picturesque countryside near Hornslet on this challenging road cycling route


Embark on a scenic road cycling journey through the beautiful countryside near Hornslet. This 67-kilometer route offers breathtaking views, challenging climbs, and exciting highlights along the way. With a total ascent of 526 meters, this route is perfect for well-trained amateur cyclists seeking a thrilling adventure. Embrace the epicness of this route as you soak in the stunning landscapes and discover hidden gems that will leave you in awe.

67 km
526 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Hornslet Village center
Hornslet: Moderately suitable locality for cycling in Denmark.
Hornslet in Denmark is a moderately suitable locality for cyclists. The region offers some road and gravel cycling options, although it may lack the challenging climbs that avid cyclists usually seek. There are no famous cycling-related spots or well-known climbs nearby. Hornslet can be an adequate choice for casual cyclists or individuals staying in the area.
Stop by Spørring, a charming village known for its historic architecture and idyllic surroundings. Take a leisurely break and explore the local shops and cafés, or simply enjoy the peaceful atmosphere.
Modelbane EuropaAttraction
Modelbane Europa, located along the route, is a unique railway enthusiast's dream. Marvel at the intricate details of the model trains and immerse yourself in the world of miniature railways.
Lysnet131 mPeak
Don't miss Lysnet, a stunning viewpoint with panoramic vistas of the surrounding rolling hills. Take a moment to capture the breathtaking landscape and appreciate the beauty of nature.
Haslund offers a delightful pause with its picturesque lake and peaceful atmosphere. Take a break by the water and enjoy a picnic while soaking in the tranquility of this charming spot.
Søby is a quaint town with a rich history. Explore the local landmarks, such as the beautiful church and the old town center, and immerse yourself in the nostalgia of days gone by.
Finish: Hornslet Village center
Hornslet: Moderately suitable locality for cycling in Denmark.

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