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Scenic Road Cycling Adventure

A road cycling route starting from Trige

Embark on a breathtaking road cycling journey in the heart of Midtjylland.


Get ready for an unforgettable road cycling adventure near Trige. This route covers a distance of 109 kilometers with an ascent of 591 meters. It is suitable for experienced cyclists looking for a challenging ride. Highlights along the way include Spørring, a quaint village with traditional Danish architecture; Hørning, where you can enjoy the view from elevated viewpoints; Ørsted, a small town with cozy cafes and picturesque streets; Gammel Ryomgård, known for its historic buildings; Løgten, a seaside village with sandy beaches; Låddenhøj, a hill offering panoramic views; and Elev, a charming town with cultural attractions.

109 km
591 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Trige Village center
Trige: Charming Trige: Where Danish landscape and cobbled streets meet cycling adventure.
Trige, located in the Midtjylland region of Denmark, offers diverse cycling opportunities for road and gravel cyclists alike. The area is surrounded by beautiful Danish countryside, featuring rolling hills, farmlands, and scenic coastal routes. Trige is particularly famous for its well-maintained road cycling paths and excellent gravel roads, perfect for adventure-loving cyclists. Moreover, the charming town itself boasts several historical attractions and cozy cafes, where cyclists can take a break and indulge in local culinary delights. Trige is an ideal destination for those seeking a mix of challenging rides and cultural experiences.
Spørring is a charming village with traditional Danish houses and a peaceful atmosphere. Ride through its narrow streets and explore the local history.
Hørning offers fantastic viewpoints where you can admire the beauty of Midtjylland from above. Pause for a while and enjoy the breathtaking scenery.
Ørsted is a delightful town with cozy cafes and beautiful streets. Take a break and indulge in some Danish pastry while soaking up the local ambiance.
Gammel RyomgårdCastle
Gammel Ryomgård is a historical village with well-preserved buildings dating back several centuries. Explore the narrow lanes and imagine life in the past.
Løgten is a coastal village famous for its sandy beaches and refreshing sea breeze. Take a dip in the ocean or simply relax and enjoy the beachside atmosphere.
Låddenhøj76 mPeak
Låddenhøj is a hill that offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature and snap some memorable photos.
Elev is a charming town with cultural attractions, including theaters and galleries. Immerse yourself in the local arts scene or explore the historic town center.
Finish: Trige Village center
Trige: Charming Trige: Where Danish landscape and cobbled streets meet cycling adventure.

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