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Scenic Landscapes and Cultural Sites

A road cycling route starting from Hong

Immerse yourself in scenic landscapes and visit cultural sites along this road route.


This road cycling route takes you through scenic landscapes, including the picturesque villages of Ruds Vedby, Undløse, Tølløse, Højbjerg, and Pedersborg. Along the way, you'll also have the opportunity to visit several cultural sites. The route offers moderate difficulty but rewards with beautiful vistas and cultural experiences.

103 km
317 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Høng City center
Høng: Tranquil rides through green fields in Høng
Høng is a small town in the Sjælland region of Denmark. From a cyclist's point of view, Høng offers scenic and varied routes suitable for both road and gravel cycling. The town is surrounded by green fields and rolling hills, providing a pleasant and tranquil setting for rides. Additionally, Høng is located near the Trelleborg Viking Fortress, a popular tourist attraction and cycling destination with its historical significance. Cyclists can combine their rides with visits to nearby cultural sites, making it an enriching experience. Overall, Høng is a suitable destination for cyclists seeking peaceful and scenic rides.
Ruds VedbyVillage
Explore the cultural heritage of Ruds Vedby, a village known for its historic church and buildings.
Discover Undløse and its charming streets lined with traditional Danish houses.
Visit Tølløse and learn about its rich cultural history and local traditions.
Højbjerg118 mPeak
Climb up Højbjerg and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
Stop by Pedersborg and explore its ancient castle, one of Denmark's historic landmarks.
Finish: Høng City center
Høng: Tranquil rides through green fields in Høng

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