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Nakskov Gravel Adventure

A gravel cycling route starting from Nakskov

Embark on a gravel cycling adventure near Nakskov and discover hidden gems


This 44 km gravel cycling route near Nakskov offers an exciting adventure through diverse terrain and landscapes. With a moderate ascend of 43 meters, it is suitable for intermediate cyclists seeking a thrilling off-road experience. The route showcases hidden gems along the way, including highlights such as Maglehøj Strand, Langø, and Færgeland. With its epicness rating of 3, this route promises both excitement and relaxation amidst nature's beauty. Explore the lesser-known parts of Sjælland and enjoy the tranquility and serenity of this scenic gravel route.

44 km
43 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Nakskov City center
Nakskov: Tranquility Amidst Danish Countryside
Nakskov is a quaint town located in the Sjælland region of Denmark. From a cyclist's perspective, Nakskov offers peaceful countryside roads where cyclists can enjoy the scenic beauty of the area. The town itself is relatively flat, which makes it suitable for leisurely rides or beginners. However, there are no well-known climbs or famous cycling spots nearby. Nakskov also has a rich history, with several historical buildings and landmarks to explore. Overall, Nakskov is a decent location for cycling enthusiasts who prefer relaxed rides in a serene setting.
Maglehøj StrandHamlet
Maglehøj Strand features a secluded beach with stunning views over the sea. Take a break and soak up the serene coastal atmosphere.
Langø is a small island with a picturesque coastline and peaceful surroundings. Discover its hidden beaches and enjoy the tranquility.
Færgeland is a charming village located on a narrow peninsula. Explore the quaint streets and admire the rural beauty.
Finish: Nakskov City center
Nakskov: Tranquility Amidst Danish Countryside

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