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Tune to Solrød Strand Loop

A road cycling route starting from Tune

Explore the route along the coastline from Tune to Solrød Strand


This road cycling route takes you on a scenic journey along the coastline of Sjælland. With a moderate ascent of 128 meters and a distance of 44 kilometers, this route is suitable for amateur riders. Enjoy highlights such as Snoldelev and Lellinge along the way.

44 km
128 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Tune Village center
Tune: Experience the peaceful countryside of Tune by bike.
Tune is a town located in the Sjælland region of Denmark. The town is surrounded by farmland and offers peaceful cycling routes through the countryside. From a cyclist's perspective, Tune provides a mix of flat and rolling terrain, making it suitable for riders of all abilities. Cyclists can take advantage of the local roads to explore nearby towns and enjoy the picturesque landscapes. One notable spot near Tune is the famous Køge Bugt route, which offers breathtaking coastal views.
Solrød StrandTown
Solrød Strand is known for its beautiful sandy beach and vibrant beach culture, offering great opportunities for relaxation after a cycling adventure.
Havhøj is a picturesque hilltop offering stunning panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, making it a perfect spot for a photo stop.
Lellinge is a charming village with historic buildings and a peaceful atmosphere, providing a pleasant backdrop for a break during the ride.
Lille SkensvedVillage
Lille Skensved is a small town known for its rich history and well-preserved architecture. Explore the local landmarks and soak in the cultural heritage.
Snoldelev Church is a fantastic example of well-preserved Romanesque architecture. Take a moment to admire the architectural details and learn about the church's historical significance.
Finish: Tune Village center
Tune: Experience the peaceful countryside of Tune by bike.

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