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Cultural and Natural Wonders of Laiksaare

A road cycling route starting from Kilingi-Nomme

A journey through history and scenic landscapes


Embark on a cycling adventure that combines cultural exploration with breathtaking natural scenery. This road route takes you past the stunning landscapes near Kilingi-Nõmme, including the historic town of Ramata and the Latvian village of Mazsalaca. The route culminates with a visit to the iconic Lībiešu pilskalns and the picturesque Pelmes surroundings. Discover the rich history and captivating beauty of Laiksaare on this unforgettable journey.

147 km
360 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Kilingi-Nõmme City center
Kilingi-Nõmme: Kilingi-Nõmme - Cycling Adventure in Eesti
Kilingi-Nõmme, located in Eesti, Estonia, is a vibrant locality for road and gravel cyclists. The region boasts well-maintained roads, allowing for smooth rides through charming Estonian villages. A well-known cycling spot nearby is the Pärnu Beach, providing both scenic coastal routes and exhilarating sand rides. With its diverse cycling routes and lively atmosphere, Kilingi-Nõmme receives a rank of 4 from a cyclist's perspective.
Kilingi-Nõmme, the starting point of this road route, offers a peaceful base for your cycling adventure, surrounded by scenic beauty.
Ramata is a historic town with well-preserved buildings and a fascinating past, perfect for an exploration on two wheels.
Mazsalaca is a charming Latvian village with a rich cultural heritage, adding an international touch to your journey.
Lībiešu pilskalnsViewpoint
Lībiešu pilskalns, also known as Livonian Hill, is a must-visit attraction with stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes.
Staicele is a small town known for its breathtaking cliffs overlooking the Baltic Sea, providing a memorable stop along the way.
Pelmes is a picturesque village surrounded by lush nature, offering a serene and beautiful resting spot during your cycling journey.
Laiksaare is a region with a fascinating history and abundant natural beauty, featuring ancient fortifications and scenic vistas.
Finish: Kilingi-Nõmme City center
Kilingi-Nõmme: Kilingi-Nõmme - Cycling Adventure in Eesti

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