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Gottby and Fågelberget Loop

A road cycling route starting from Mariehamn

Immerse yourself in nature during this cycling loop through Gottby and Fågelberget


The Gottby and Fågelberget Loop takes you on an immersive nature adventure near Mariehamn. This 52-kilometer road cycling route showcases the stunning natural beauty of Åland, passing through scenic landscapes and charming villages. With a moderate ascent and a distance of 52 kilometers, this route is suitable for energetic amateur cyclists. With an epicness ranking of 3, you'll have the opportunity to experience the best of Åland's nature during your ride.

52 km
120 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Möckelö Village center
Mariehamn: Experience the maritime charm and scenic coastal cycling routes of Mariehamn, Finland.
Mariehamn is the capital of Åland, an autonomous region in Finland. Mariehamn offers a unique cycling experience with its well-maintained cycling infrastructure, including plenty of cycling paths and lanes. As a cyclist, explore the town's beautiful coastal routes and enjoy scenic views of the Baltic Sea. One notable cycling spot nearby is Djurvik, which offers a picturesque cycling path surrounded by nature. Moreover, the town itself is charming, with its maritime atmosphere and a variety of cafes and restaurants to explore. Mariehamn is a destination that combines cycling with cultural experiences.
Gottby is a picturesque village surrounded by beautiful fields and meadows. Take a break here and soak in the peaceful rural atmosphere before continuing on your ride.
Godby, a charming village with lovely countryside views. Enjoy the local culture and hospitality before embarking on the rest of your adventure.
Fågelberget69 mPeak
Fågelberget is known for its scenic nature trails and breathtaking views. Take a detour and explore the hiking paths for a peaceful forest experience.
Dalbo offers serene landscapes and enchanting rural charm. Appreciate the idyllic surroundings and take a moment to enjoy the quiet beauty of Åland.
Finish: Möckelö Village center
Mariehamn: Experience the maritime charm and scenic coastal cycling routes of Mariehamn, Finland.

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