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Virojoki and Näkötorni

A gravel cycling route starting from Miehikkaelae

Discover the beauty of Virojoki and Näkötorni by bike


These gravel cycling routes near Miehikkälä offer a chance to explore the scenic Virojoki village and enjoy the spectacular views from the Näkötorni observation tower. Get ready to be impressed by the natural beauty of Virojoki's surrounding landscapes and be rewarded with panoramic views at Näkötorni. With moderate difficulty and epicness, these routes are suitable for all cycling enthusiasts.

66 km
250 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Miehikkälä City center
Miehikkälä: Nature's Tranquility in Miehikkälä, Finland
Miehikkälä is a captivating locality in the Etelä-Suomi region of Finland, offering unique cycling experiences in a picturesque setting. The town is surrounded by beautiful forests and boasts a tranquil environment, making it perfect for those seeking peaceful rides. Miehikkälä also provides access to the Kotka Archipelago, where cyclists can explore scenic islands and enjoy breathtaking coastal views. One of the highlights for cyclists is the Repovesi National Park, renowned for its rugged landscapes and stunning trails. For nature lovers and adventurers, Miehikkälä is a hidden paradise.
Virojoki is a charming village with its historic wooden houses and peaceful riverside setting.
Näkötorni is an observation tower offering stunning panoramic views of the picturesque Miehikkälä region and its natural wonders.
Pitkäkoski is a captivating waterfall that creates a striking contrast against the surrounding lush greenery.
Finish: Miehikkälä City center
Miehikkälä: Nature's Tranquility in Miehikkälä, Finland

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