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Ruokolahti to Purnujärvi Loop

A road cycling route starting from Ruokolahti

Scenic road cycling route from Ruokolahti to Purnujärvi


This road cycling route takes you from Ruokolahti to Purnujärvi, showcasing the beautiful Finnish countryside. With a distance of 70 kilometers and an ascent of 651 meters, this route offers a moderate challenge for well-trained amateurs. The highlights along the way include Ruokolahti, a charming and picturesque town; Purnujärvi, a stunning lake known for its tranquil beauty; and Miettilä, a small village with traditional Finnish architecture. Overall, the route provides a great opportunity to experience the peaceful nature and local culture of Etelä-Suomi, making it a pleasant and enjoyable journey.

70 km
651 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Ruokolahti City center
Ruokolahti: Exploring the scenic lake district of Ruokolahti
Ruokolahti is located in the Etelä-Suomi region of Finland, near the border with Russia. As a cyclist, you'll find a mix of picturesque roads and gravel paths to explore in this scenic locality. Ruokolahti is renowned for its beautiful lake district, including Lake Kivijärvi and Lake Harsu, which offer stunning views and opportunities for lakeside cycling. Additionally, the locality is home to the popular Lappeenranta-Ruokolahti bike route, which takes cyclists through the charming countryside. Overall, Ruokolahti provides a serene and picturesque cycling experience, with its beautiful lakes and countryside.
Ruokolahti is a charming town known for its natural beauty and friendly atmosphere.
Purnujärvi offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes and is a popular spot for outdoor activities.
Miettilä is a quaint village with traditional Finnish houses, providing a glimpse into the country's rich cultural heritage.
Finish: Ruokolahti City center
Ruokolahti: Exploring the scenic lake district of Ruokolahti

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