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Gravel Adventure: Tarvasjoki-Liedon asemanseutu-Klootinkallio-Liedonperä

A gravel cycling route starting from Tarvasjoki

Embark on a gravel adventure through diverse landscapes near Tarvasjoki


This gravel cycling route offers diverse landscapes and challenging terrain as you explore the area around Tarvasjoki. Starting from Tarvasjoki, the tour takes you to Liedon asemanseutu, a historical railway station area with scenic surroundings. From there, you will tackle the exhilarating Klootinkallio climb before reaching Liedonperä, where you can enjoy beautiful coastal views. With a moderate difficulty level and varied highlights, this gravel adventure is suitable for experienced cyclists seeking a thrilling off-road experience.

60 km
464 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Tarvasjoki City center
Tarvasjoki: Experience the beauty of Tarvasjoki's countryside on two wheels
Tarvasjoki, located in Etelä-Suomi, Finland, is a cyclist's paradise. The locality offers well-maintained roads and an extensive network of gravel paths that are perfect for exploration. With its picturesque countryside and numerous lakes, Tarvasjoki is a popular destination for both local and international cyclists. The region also hosts a variety of cycling events and races throughout the year. Notable cycling spots nearby include the Kullo Hill climb and the beautiful Annintupa viewpoint.
Tarvasjoki marks the starting point of your gravel adventure, surrounded by lush Finnish countryside.
Liedon asemanseutuTown
Liedon asemanseutu offers a glimpse into the region's railway history with its well-preserved buildings and peaceful atmosphere.
Isonmäenkukkula76 mPeak
The ascent to Isonmäenkukkula, also known as Klootinkallio, rewards you with stunning panoramic views over the surrounding landscapes.
Klootinkallio74 mPeak
Experience the thrill of cycling through the challenging terrain of Klootinkallio, a gravel climb known for its steep gradients.
Aura is a picturesque village nestled amidst rolling hills, offering a charming backdrop for a rest stop.
Liedonperä, located by the coastline, provides spectacular views over the sea and access to relaxing beachside areas.
Finish: Tarvasjoki City center
Tarvasjoki: Experience the beauty of Tarvasjoki's countryside on two wheels

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