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Gravel Path to Ingå Station, Svartå, and Ingå

A gravel cycling route starting from Inga

Ride along a gravel path exploring Ingå Station, Svartå, and Ingå


This gravel path takes you on a scenic journey through the stunning landscapes near Ingå, Helsinki-Uusimaa. Start by visiting Ingå Station, a historical site with architectural beauty and cultural significance. As you continue towards Svartå, be mesmerized by the natural charm and tranquility of the surroundings. Finally, return to Ingå, a coastal town with beautiful architecture and a picturesque waterfront. This route is perfect for cyclists looking for a peaceful and immersive experience in nature.

54 km
536 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Ingå City center
Ingå: Cycle along the stunning coastline and through urban routes in Ingå, featuring climbs in Porkkala Peninsula.
Ingå is situated in the Helsinki-Uusimaa region of Finland. As a road and gravel cyclist, you'll find a mix of urban routes, cycling paths, and scenic coastal roads. Ingå is known for its beautiful archipelago and coastline, offering stunning views during coastal rides. One famous cycling-related spot near Ingå is the Porkkala Peninsula, known for its challenging climbs and scenic routes along the Baltic Sea. Overall, Ingå provides a diverse cycling experience with both urban and coastal landscapes.
Ingå stationHamlet
Ingå Station is a historical site with architectural beauty and cultural significance.
Svartå offers a serene environment with its natural beauty and tranquil ambiance.
Finish: Ingå City center
Ingå: Cycle along the stunning coastline and through urban routes in Ingå, featuring climbs in Porkkala Peninsula.

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