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Gravel Adventure in Nurmijärvi

A gravel cycling route starting from Nurmijaervi

Explore off-road trails and picturesque villages on this gravel cycling route


Embark on an exciting off-road adventure with the Gravel Adventure in Nurmijärvi route. Spanning 44 km, the route offers a mix of rugged terrain and scenic countryside views. With an ascent of 264 meters, it provides a moderate challenge suitable for well-trained amateurs. The highlights along the route include Ylikylä, a charming village with traditional wooden houses, Seutula, which offers a glimpse into the local history and Rajamäki, where you can immerse yourself in the peaceful atmosphere of a small Finnish community. Klaukkala and Nurmijärvi are also notable highlights, offering various amenities and attractions for cyclists to explore. Overall, the Gravel Adventure in Nurmijärvi is a thrilling cycling experience that combines the excitement of off-road trails with the tranquility of rural Finland.

44 km
264 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Nurmijärvi City center
Nurmijärvi: Get ready for a memorable cycling journey in Nurmijärvi.
Nurmijärvi is a delightful locality situated in the Helsinki-Uusimaa region of Finland. From a cyclist's perspective, Nurmijärvi boasts a well-developed network of cycling routes that traverse its scenic landscapes. The region offers a combination of serene countryside roads and exhilarating gravel tracks, perfect for all types of cycling. Notably, cyclists can tackle the challenging Nurmijärvi Loop, which features several asce citizens and descents. For those seeking a cycling holiday with additional recreational activities, Nurmijärvi is conveniently located near lake districts, public beaches, and Finnish saunas. Overall, Nurmijärvi provides a well-rounded cycling experience that is sure to satisfy riders of all levels.
Ylikylä is a small village with traditional wooden houses, providing a glimpse into Finnish countryside life.
Seutula is a historic village with charming old buildings, giving you a taste of local history.
Rajamäki90 mPeak
Rajamäki is an idyllic village surrounded by scenic landscapes, perfect for a leisurely rest stop.
Klaukkala is a beautiful village nestled amidst nature, inviting cyclists to take a break and rejuvenate.
Nurmijärvi offers diverse amenities and attractions, making it a worthwhile destination along the route.
Finish: Nurmijärvi City center
Nurmijärvi: Get ready for a memorable cycling journey in Nurmijärvi.

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