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The Paippinen Loop

A gravel cycling route starting from Pornainen

A scenic gravel route with stunning views


The Paippinen Loop is a 104 km gravel route starting near Pornainen. It offers diverse landscapes and stunning views along the way. With a total ascent of 318 meters, this route provides a great challenge for gravel enthusiasts. The route takes you through the picturesque towns of Lahela and Nurmijärvi, offering a chance to experience the local culture and attractions. Overall, the Paippinen Loop is a fantastic choice for riders looking for a scenic and challenging gravel route.

104 km
318 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Pornainen City center
Pornainen: Serene cycling through Finnish countryside in Pornainen
Pornainen is a locality situated in Finland, specifically in the region of Helsinki-Uusimaa. From a cyclist's perspective, Pornainen is a cycling-friendly area. The roads are well-maintained and the region offers a network of well-marked cycling routes. The terrain is mainly flat, making it suitable for leisurely rides or longer distance cycling. In terms of tourist attractions, there are no specific cycling-related spots or famous climbs nearby. However, the peaceful Finnish countryside and picturesque landscapes make Pornainen a delightful destination for cyclists who appreciate tranquility and natural beauty.
Paippinen, located 10 km into the route, is a charming village known for its traditional cottages and beautiful countryside.
Aurinkomäki55 mPeak
Aurinkomäki, at 23 km on the route, offers spectacular panoramic views of the surrounding hills and valleys.
Lahela is a quaint town at 33 km on the route, known for its well-preserved wooden houses and lovely village atmosphere.
Haukkaankallio70 mPeak
Haukkaankallio, located at 43 km into the route, is a famous rock formation that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes.
Nurmijärvi is a historical town at 55 km on the route, known for its medieval church and charming old town area.
Nuppulinna, at 76 km on the route, is a picturesque village surrounded by beautiful forests and meadows.
Finish: Pornainen City center
Pornainen: Serene cycling through Finnish countryside in Pornainen

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