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Diverse terrain and a vibrant cycling culture in Vihti.

Cycling routes from Vihti

Vihti is a municipality located in the Helsinki-Uusimaa region of Finland. As a cyclist, Vihti offers diverse cycling routes suitable for both road and gravel cyclists. The region is characterized by forests, lakes, and rolling hills, providing scenic and challenging routes for cycling enthusiasts. Some well-known climbs near Vihti include the Hiidenkirnut ascent and the Numminenmäki climb. Additionally, Vihti has a vibrant cycling community and hosts various cycling events throughout the year. Tourism-wise, Vihti offers a range of attractions, including historical sites, nature reserves, and accommodation options. Overall, Vihti is a cyclist-friendly locality with diverse terrain and a lively cycling culture.

Embark on a challenging road cycling tour from Vihti to Siuntio.

111 km
514 m

Embark on a challenging road cycling tour stretching over 111 kilometers from Vihti to Siuntio. This route offers breathtaking landscapes and diverse terrain, perfect for road cyclists seeking a demanding adventure. With a total ascent of 514 meters, prepare to push your limits. Highlights along the route include Veikkola, a quaint village with scenic surroundings, and Getberg, renowned for its impressive hilltop views. Conquer the demanding ascents of Jerikonmäki and Siuntio, adding an epic touch to your cycling journey.

An epic road cycling route with diverse terrain and multiple highlights to explore.

92 km
401 m

The Vihti-Loppi Adventure is a 92km road cycling route starting near Vihti in Helsinki-Uusimaa, Finland. With a challenging climb of 401 meters and diverse terrain, this route offers a thrilling experience for cyclists. Highlights along the way include Karkkila, where cyclists can explore the historic town center and its traditional Finnish architecture. In Loppi, cyclists can enjoy the serene beauty of Loppijärvi, a picturesque lake surrounded by lush greenery. Another highlight is Rokokallio, a majestic rock formation offering stunning views of the landscape. Finally, Haudankallio provides panoramic views as the final highlight of the route.

A scenic road cycling route with a challenging climb and stunning views at Rokokallio.

57 km
368 m

The Vihti-Rokokallio Loop is a 57km road cycling route starting near Vihti in Helsinki-Uusimaa, Finland. With an ascent of 368 meters, this route offers a challenging climb for cyclists. One of the highlights along the way is Rokokallio, a majestic rock formation providing stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes. Vihti, the starting point, offers beautiful natural surroundings and peaceful countryside. Haudankallio, another highlight, is located at the end of the route and offers a great spot to enjoy the scenic views. Cyclists can experience the beauty of the Finnish countryside and enjoy a challenging ride on this route.


Vihti Loop

A scenic road cycling route with a challenging ascent and beautiful highlights along the way.

58 km
347 m

The Vihti Loop is a 58km road cycling route starting near Vihti in Helsinki-Uusimaa, Finland. It offers a challenging ascent of 347 meters and takes cyclists through picturesque landscapes. The route passes through the charming town of Lempola, known for its historic buildings and cultural heritage. One of the highlights of the route is Haudankallio, a stunning hill offering panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.

Experience the enchanting countryside and picturesque landscapes of Vihti.

74 km
351 m

Explore the beautiful countryside of Vihti and its surrounding areas on this scenic cycling route. The route offers a mix of road and gravel sections, allowing you to experience the diverse terrain of the region. With a total distance of 74 kilometers and an ascent of 351 meters, this route is suitable for moderately experienced cyclists. Along the way, enjoy stunning views, charming villages, and peaceful nature reserves.

An adventurous gravel cycling route with scenic landscapes and an ancient burial site as a highlight.

61 km
357 m

The Gravel Ride to Hiidenmäki is a 61km gravel cycling route starting near Vihti in Helsinki-Uusimaa, Finland. With an ascent of 357 meters, this route provides a thrilling off-road experience through scenic landscapes. One of the highlights is Hiidenmäki, an ancient burial site dating back to the Iron Age. Cyclists can explore this unique historical site and learn about the fascinating history of the region. Lempola, another highlight, is a charming town with well-preserved historic buildings and cultural heritage. The route also includes a visit to Haudankallio, offering panoramic views of the surrounding picturesque landscapes.

Discover the hidden gems of Vihti and Lohja on this exciting gravel adventure.

69 km
387 m

Embark on a thrilling gravel adventure through the picturesque landscapes of Vihti and Lohja. This 69-kilometer route offers stunning views and challenging terrain for gravel enthusiasts. With a total ascent of 387 meters, be prepared for a demanding yet rewarding cycling experience. Explore highlights such as Hiidenmäki, known for its ancient historical sites, and Lohja, a vibrant town with a rich cultural heritage.

Enjoy an idyllic road cycling route through the charming countryside of Vihti and Karkkila.

44 km
250 m

Indulge in the idyllic charm of Vihti and Karkkila with this 44-kilometer road cycling route. Experience the tranquil countryside scenery as you pedal through rolling hills with a total ascent of 250 meters. Discover the small village of Olkkala, known for its peaceful ambiance, and take a moment to admire the panoramic views at Haudankallio. This route is suitable for cyclists looking for a moderate challenge combined with picturesque landscapes.

A gravel cycling route with interesting geological highlights and natural landscapes.

49 km
280 m

The Exploring Ahmoo and Gadoliniitti route is a 49km gravel cycling route starting near Vihti in Helsinki-Uusimaa, Finland. With an ascent of 280 meters, this route offers an exciting off-road adventure through natural landscapes. Ahmoo is a highlight of the route, known for its interesting geological features and diverse flora and fauna. Cyclists can explore this unique natural area and enjoy the serenity it offers. Another highlight is Kivipuisto Gadoliniitti, a park filled with beautiful rocks and vibrant plant life. Haudankallio, a hill offering panoramic views, is also included in the route as a final highlight.

Embark on a thrilling gravel expedition through the wilderness of Vihti.

86 km
601 m

Experience the thrill of a 86-kilometer gravel expedition through the captivating wilderness of Vihti. This challenging route boasts a total ascent of 601 meters, ensuring an exciting adventure for gravel enthusiasts. Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Lempola, renowned for its tranquil atmosphere and stunning surroundings. Marvel at the picturesque views from Maikkalanselkä, offering a true sense of awe. The Vihti Gravel Expedition is a must for those seeking a memorable and epic off-road cycling experience.

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