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Exploring Ahmoo and Gadoliniitti

A gravel cycling route starting from Vihti

A gravel cycling route with interesting geological highlights and natural landscapes.


The Exploring Ahmoo and Gadoliniitti route is a 49km gravel cycling route starting near Vihti in Helsinki-Uusimaa, Finland. With an ascent of 280 meters, this route offers an exciting off-road adventure through natural landscapes. Ahmoo is a highlight of the route, known for its interesting geological features and diverse flora and fauna. Cyclists can explore this unique natural area and enjoy the serenity it offers. Another highlight is Kivipuisto Gadoliniitti, a park filled with beautiful rocks and vibrant plant life. Haudankallio, a hill offering panoramic views, is also included in the route as a final highlight.

49 km
280 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Vihti City center
Vihti: Diverse terrain and a vibrant cycling culture in Vihti.
Vihti is a municipality located in the Helsinki-Uusimaa region of Finland. As a cyclist, Vihti offers diverse cycling routes suitable for both road and gravel cyclists. The region is characterized by forests, lakes, and rolling hills, providing scenic and challenging routes for cycling enthusiasts. Some well-known climbs near Vihti include the Hiidenkirnut ascent and the Numminenmäki climb. Additionally, Vihti has a vibrant cycling community and hosts various cycling events throughout the year. Tourism-wise, Vihti offers a range of attractions, including historical sites, nature reserves, and accommodation options. Overall, Vihti is a cyclist-friendly locality with diverse terrain and a lively cycling culture.
Vihti, the starting point of the route, is surrounded by natural landscapes perfect for gravel cycling adventures.
Ahmoo is known for its interesting geological features and diverse flora and fauna, providing a unique cycling experience.
Haudankallio, located along the route, offers panoramic views and is a great spot for a scenic break.
Kivipuisto GadoliniittiAttraction
Kivipuisto Gadoliniitti is a park with beautiful rocks and vibrant plant life, perfect for exploration.
Finish: Vihti City center
Vihti: Diverse terrain and a vibrant cycling culture in Vihti.

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