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Hinnerjoki to Naarjoki Road Adventure

A road cycling route starting from Eura

Embark on an adventurous road cycling journey from Hinnerjoki to Naarjoki, witnessing stunning natural landscapes and historical landmarks along the way.


Experience the thrill of a 59 km road cycling adventure from Hinnerjoki to Naarjoki near Eura, Länsi-Suomi, Finland. This route, with 220 meters of ascent, offers a moderate to challenging ride suitable for enthusiastic cyclists. Immerse yourself in the stunning Finnish countryside as you pass through forests, rivers, and picturesque villages. Highlights include Hinnerjoki, known for its peaceful surroundings and rural charm, Lappi, where you can uncover the region's cultural heritage at the local museum, Ryssänvuori, a historical observation point with panoramic views, and Naarjoki, a beautiful village nestled on the banks of the river. Unleash your adventurous spirit and let this route take you on a memorable journey.

59 km
220 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Eura City center
Eura: Cycling in the peaceful countryside of Eura
Eura is a small town located in the region of Länsi-Suomi, Finland. From a cyclist's perspective, Eura offers a variety of scenic routes with peaceful countryside landscapes. The road and gravel cyclists can explore the surrounding rural areas and enjoy the peaceful nature. There are no famous cycling-related spots or well-known climbs nearby. Overall, Eura provides a decent cycling experience with its serene environment.
Take a break in Hinnerjoki and enjoy the serene surroundings of this peaceful village.
Explore Lappi and visit its local museum, which tells stories about the region's rich cultural heritage.
Ryssänvuori50 mPeak
Climb to the top of Ryssänvuori and be rewarded with breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes.
Stop by Naarjoki and admire the idyllic riverside setting, as well as the charming atmosphere of this traditional Finnish village.
Finish: Eura City center
Eura: Cycling in the peaceful countryside of Eura

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