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Gravel Cycling Adventure - Viikkala Extension

A gravel cycling route starting from Nakkila

Embark on an exciting gravel cycling adventure from Viikkala, exploring the scenic wonders near Nakkila!


This 59-kilometer gravel cycling route takes you through Viikkala, Palojärven laavu, Harjavalta, and finally back to Nakkilan kirkonkylä. With a moderate ascent of 82 meters, this route is suitable for cyclists of all skill levels. Encounter captivating landscapes, serene nature, and charming rural areas along the way, making this an enjoyable and memorable outdoor journey.

59 km
82 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Nakkila City center
Nakkila: Cycle through the enchanting landscapes of Nakkila.
Nakkila, located in the Länsi-Suomi region of Finland, offers a picturesque setting for road and gravel cyclists. The area's gently rolling hills, surrounded by forests and lakes, create a serene and scenic backdrop for cycling enthusiasts. One of the notable cycling highlights near Nakkila is the Harjavalta Ridge, which offers a challenging climb for those seeking an exhilarating ride. With its peaceful atmosphere and well-maintained cycling routes, Nakkila is an excellent destination for both leisurely rides and more demanding training sessions.
Begin your adventure in Viikkala and soak in the beauty of this tranquil village surrounded by nature.
Palojärven laavuShelter
Spend some time at Palojärven laavu, a cozy shelter overlooking the picturesque Palojärvi Lake.
Explore Harjavalta and its scenic attractions, including picturesque parks and historic landmarks.
Nakkilan kirkonkyläSub-urb
Conclude your journey in Nakkilan kirkonkylä and experience the lively ambiance of this lively town once again.
Finish: Nakkila City center
Nakkila: Cycle through the enchanting landscapes of Nakkila.

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