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Noormarkku Loop

A road cycling route starting from Noormarkku

Enjoy a scenic cycling tour through the picturesque landscapes around Noormarkku.


Discover the beauty of Noormarkku and its surroundings with this enjoyable cycling route. The route takes you through charming villages, lush green fields, and peaceful forests.

55 km
101 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Noormarkku City center
Noormarkku: Exploring Finnish countryside and climbing Reposaari Island.
Noormarkku in Länsi-Suomi, Finland is a cyclist-friendly locality with several cycling routes and trails. The roads are well-maintained, making it suitable for both road and gravel cycling. It is located near the Kokemäenjoki River and offers scenic views of the Finnish countryside. Noormarkku is particularly known for its historical park and mansion, which can be visited during a cycling tour. Nearby, cyclists can enjoy the challenge of the Reposaari Island climb, a popular spot for cyclists seeking a more adventurous ride.
Start your journey in Noormarkku, a small town known for its historic wooden manor house and beautiful river scenery.
As you cycle along, you'll pass by Palus, a scenic area with stunning views of the countryside.
Kullaa is a charming village located along the route, where you can enjoy a peaceful break and admire the traditional Finnish architecture.
At Kaasmarkku, you'll encounter a lovely lake surrounded by lush forests, perfect for a relaxing pit stop.
Harjunpää is a small village that offers a glimpse into traditional Finnish rural life, with its idyllic cottages and lovely landscapes.
Kannistonkallio37 mPeak Viewpoint
Make sure to take a moment to appreciate the breathtaking views from Kannistonkallio, a rocky hilltop overlooking the vast Finnish countryside.
As you near the end of your journey, you'll pass by Finpyy, a charming coastal village where you can relax on the sandy beaches and enjoy the refreshing sea breeze.
Finish: Noormarkku City center
Noormarkku: Exploring Finnish countryside and climbing Reposaari Island.

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