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Scenic Gravel Escape in Pomarkku

A gravel cycling route starting from Pomarkku

Embark on a scenic gravel escape through the beautiful landscapes of Pomarkku


Experience the serenity of Pomarkku with this 79-km gravel route featuring an ascent of 154 meters. Relax at Riuttansalmen leirikeskus, soak in the picturesque views from Kullaa, and discover the rugged beauty of Kaasmarkku. Marvel at the stunning Kannistonkallio and conclude your escapade at Pomarkku, a captivating destination for nature enthusiasts and cycling enthusiasts alike.

79 km
154 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Pomarkku City center
Pomarkku: Immerse in the serene landscapes of Länsi-Suomi as you cycle through Pomarkku.
Pomarkku is an area in Länsi-Suomi, Finland. From a cyclist's perspective, Pomarkku offers peaceful and picturesque cycling routes through its beautiful countryside. Cyclists can explore the rolling hills, shimmering lakes, and dense forests while enjoying the fresh air. Pomarkku is also home to Honkaniemi Nature Estate which offers cycling trails and wildlife watching opportunities. Cyclists can experience the tranquility of Finnish nature while pedaling through the scenic routes. Overall, Pomarkku provides a serene and relaxing environment for cyclists to enjoy the beauty of Länsi-Suomi.
Riuttansalmen leirikeskusPicnic Site
Enjoy a tranquil retreat at Riuttansalmen leirikeskus and indulge in the surrounding nature.
Experience the beauty of Kullaa and capture stunning moments along the way.
Discover the hidden oasis of Kaasmarkku and embrace its natural charm.
Kannistonkallio37 mPeak Viewpoint
Marvel at the panoramic views from Kannistonkallio and treasure the beauty of Pomarkku.
Conclude your escape at Pomarkku and delve into its cultural attractions and natural wonders.
Finish: Pomarkku City center
Pomarkku: Immerse in the serene landscapes of Länsi-Suomi as you cycle through Pomarkku.

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