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Haapavesi Discovery

A road cycling route starting from Kaersaemaeki

Explore the beauty of Haapavesi and enjoy the natural wonders along this refreshing cycling route.


This road cycling route starting near Kärsämäki allows you to discover the natural beauty of Haapavesi and its surroundings. With an ascent of 260m and a distance of 82km, it offers a moderate challenge for cycling enthusiasts. The route begins in Kärsämäki, a town known for its cultural heritage and warm hospitality. As you pedal further, you'll be captivated by the picturesque landscapes and tranquil atmosphere of Haapavesi. The highlight of this route is reaching Luonuanperä, a serene spot surrounded by beautiful nature. Take your time to explore Haapavesi and immerse yourself in its calm and refreshing ambiance.

82 km
260 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Kärsämäki City center
Kärsämäki: Embracing the natural beauty of Kärsämäki and exploring the enchanting Hossa National Park on two wheels.
Kärsämäki is a locality in Finland located in the Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi region. From a cyclist's perspective, Kärsämäki offers an opportunity to connect with nature while cycling through picturesque landscapes. The region is characterized by rolling hills, meandering rivers, and dense forests, creating a scenic environment for both road and gravel cycling. Kärsämäki is known for its well-maintained cycling routes, including the Kärsämäki-Haapajärvi route that offers beautiful views of Lake Haapajärvi. Nearby, cyclists can also visit the picturesque Hossa National Park, which features stunning trails amidst breathtaking natural beauty.
Embark on your journey in Kärsämäki, a town with a rich cultural history.
Take a brief pause at Luonuanperä, a tranquil spot truly in harmony with nature.
Discover the hidden gems of Haapavesi as you travel through its captivating landscapes.
Finish: Kärsämäki City center
Kärsämäki: Embracing the natural beauty of Kärsämäki and exploring the enchanting Hossa National Park on two wheels.

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