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Charming Road Trip to Ängeslevä

A road cycling route starting from Liminka

Embark on a scenic road trip to Ängeslevä from Liminka and immerse yourself in the tranquil countryside


Experience the serene beauty of the Finnish countryside on this 48km road cycling route from Liminka to Ängeslevä. With a gentle ascent of 52m, this route is suitable for cyclists of all levels. Explore highlights such as Ängeslevä, Tyrnävä, and Liminka, and enjoy the peacefulness and refreshing nature along the way. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned cyclist, this route offers a delightful escape into the rural landscapes of Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi.

48 km
52 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Liminka City center
Liminka: Cycling paradise with picturesque landscapes and diverse routes.
Located in Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi region of Finland, Liminka is a charming locality for road and gravel cyclists. With its scenic countryside landscapes and well-maintained roads, it offers a pleasant cycling experience. Liminka is also known for its variety of cycling routes, ranging from leisurely routes for beginners to more challenging ones for experienced cyclists. One of the famous cycling spots nearby is the Liminka Bay Nature Reserve, where cyclists can enjoy beautiful coastal views while riding. Overall, Liminka is a great option for both cycling enthusiasts and nature lovers.
Discover the charm of Ängeslevä, a small village known for its traditional Finnish architecture and authentic rural ambiance.
Stop by Tyrnävä, a historical town with well-preserved buildings and a welcoming community.
Explore the beautiful town of Liminka, rich in natural diversity and offering stunning landscapes.
Finish: Liminka City center
Liminka: Cycling paradise with picturesque landscapes and diverse routes.

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