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Historical Highlights of Normandy Cycling Tour

A road cycling route starting from Vimoutiers

Explore the historical highlights of Normandy on this cycling route


Discover the historical highlights of Normandy on this 47 km round-trip cycling route near Vimoutiers. With an ascent of 507 m, this route offers a moderate challenge for well-trained amateur cyclists. The highlight of the route is Mont Ormel, a crucial location during World War II and now home to a memorial museum. Other notable highlights include Champosoult, Aubry-en-Exmes, Trun, and the charming town of Vimoutiers itself. Each of these stops offers a unique glimpse into the history and culture of the region. Overall, this cycling tour provides a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the rich history of Normandy while enjoying some scenic rides.

47 km
507 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Vimoutiers Village center
Vimoutiers: Tranquil countryside cycling in Basse-Normandie.
Vimoutiers, situated in Basse-Normandie, France, is a cyclist's delight with its stunning countryside scenery and peaceful ambiance. The locality offers a mix of gentle rolling hills and flat stretches, providing pleasant options for all types of cyclists. Riders can pedal through charming villages, historic sites, and verdant landscapes. While not specifically recognized for any famous climbs, Vimoutiers provides a tranquil environment for cyclists seeking relaxation and picturesque rides. With its serene surroundings and beautiful countryside scenery, Vimoutiers is a recommended destination for cyclists wanting to experience the tranquility of Basse-Normandie.
Champosoult is a quaint village with beautiful architecture and a peaceful atmosphere.
Mont Ormel262 mPeak
Mont Ormel played a crucial role in the Battle of Normandy and is now home to a museums commemorating the event.
Aubry-en-Exmes is a charming village with narrow streets, historic buildings, and a beautiful church.
Trun is a small town with a rich history, including its role in the Battle of Normandy.
Vimoutiers is home to several historical landmarks, including an old mill and a beautiful Gothic church.
Finish: Vimoutiers Village center
Vimoutiers: Tranquil countryside cycling in Basse-Normandie.

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