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The Rennes Gravel Ride

A gravel cycling route starting from Chateaugiron

Get off the beaten path and explore the rugged beauty of Rennes' gravel roads


Escape the hustle and bustle of the city and embark on the Rennes Gravel Ride. This 58-kilometer route offers a thrilling gravel riding experience with a moderate ascent of 266 meters. Discover the hidden beauty of Cesson-Sévigné, Rennes, Bruz, and Nouvoitou as you cycle through their less-traveled gravel roads. Each town has its own unique charm, with Rennes being the vibrant capital of Brittany and Bruz boasting a rich medieval heritage.

58 km
266 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Châteaugiron Village center
Châteaugiron: Discover the medieval charm of Châteaugiron by bike
Châteaugiron is a town located in the Bretagne region of France. From a cyclist's perspective, Châteaugiron offers a mix of flat and rolling terrain, making it suitable for all skill levels. The town itself is rich in history and charm, with a medieval castle and picturesque streets that are worth exploring by bike. Cyclists can also enjoy the surrounding countryside, which includes scenic farmland and quiet country roads. One notable cycling spot near Châteaugiron is the Rocher Coupé, a natural landmark that provides a challenging climb for cyclists. Overall, Châteaugiron offers a delightful blend of culture and cycling opportunities.
Cesson-Sévigné offers a mix of gravel and paved roads, perfect for a variety of cycling adventures.
Rennes is the cultural and economic hub of Brittany, known for its lively atmosphere and historic charm.
Bruz is a picturesque town with a well-preserved medieval castle and charming streets.
Nouvoitou is surrounded by beautiful countryside, perfect for an idyllic cycling getaway.
Finish: Châteaugiron Village center
Châteaugiron: Discover the medieval charm of Châteaugiron by bike

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