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Picturesque Ride through Historic Towns and Countryside

A road cycling route starting from Pire-sur-Seiche

Explore the beauty of Amanlis, Bourgbarré, Vezin-le-Coquet, Gévezé, Saint-Germain-sur-Ille, Acigné, and Piré-sur-Seiche


Experience the picturesque beauty of historic towns and charming countryside on this road cycling route. With a distance of 104 kilometers and an ascent of 647 meters, it offers a moderate level of difficulty suitable for well-trained amateur cyclists. Explore the rich cultural heritage of Amanlis, Bourgbarré, Vezin-le-Coquet, Gévezé, Saint-Germain-sur-Ille, Acigné, and Piré-sur-Seiche as you cycle through their medieval streets, visit their ancient churches, and appreciate the natural landscapes surrounding them.

104 km
647 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Piré-sur-Seiche Village center
Piré-sur-Seiche: Tranquil countryside cycling in Bretagne.
Piré-sur-Seiche is a small town located in Bretagne, France. From a cyclist's perspective, Piré-sur-Seiche offers a variety of cycling routes suitable for both road and gravel cycling. The town is surrounded by picturesque countryside, with rolling hills and charming villages. The roads are generally well-maintained and relatively quiet, making it a pleasant area for cycling. There are no standout famous cycling spots or well-known climbs in Piré-sur-Seiche, but its tranquil atmosphere and beautiful scenery make it a great destination for cycling enthusiasts looking to explore the French countryside.
Amanlis is a charming village known for its well-preserved old architecture. Enjoy a leisurely bike ride through its narrow streets and discover hidden gems along the way.
Bourgbarré is a lovely town with a rich historical heritage. Admire its beautiful church and stroll through its peaceful parks for a serene and relaxing experience.
Vezin-le-Coquet offers a mix of nature and culture. Cycle through its picturesque countryside and visit its impressive castle, which now houses a contemporary art center.
Gévezé is a charming village surrounded by scenic beauty. Take a moment to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere and admire the stunning views of the surrounding countryside.
Saint-Germain-sur-Ille is a historic village with a rich architectural heritage. Discover its ancient buildings and picturesque landscapes as you cycle through its charming streets.
Acigné offers a unique blend of historical charm and modern amenities. Explore its well-preserved castle and enjoy the lively atmosphere of its town center.
Piré-sur-Seiche is a scenic village located near the Seiche River. Enjoy the tranquility of its surroundings and take in the beautiful views of the river as you cycle along its banks.
Finish: Piré-sur-Seiche Village center
Piré-sur-Seiche: Tranquil countryside cycling in Bretagne.

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