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The Enticing Beauty of Haute-Marne

A road cycling route starting from Chaumont

Experience the breathtaking beauty of Haute-Marne on this challenging road cycling route.


Prepare to be amazed by the stunning landscapes of Haute-Marne on this challenging road cycling route. With a total distance of 124 kilometers and an ascent of 1182 meters, this route is designed for experienced cyclists seeking an adrenaline-pumping adventure. Highlights along the way include the iconic Viaduct de Chaumont, offering panoramic views of the surrounding area, as well as the Point de vue du Petit Château, where you can enjoy a breathtaking panorama of the city. Châteauvillain is another highlight, known for its historic castle and picturesque old town. Villars-en-Azois offers a peaceful escape with its tranquil surroundings and charming rural atmosphere. The tour concludes in Chaumont, where you can explore the city's rich history and architectural wonders.

124 km
1182 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Chaumont City center
Chaumont: Scenic cycling in the Champagne-Ardenne region.
Chaumont, located in the Champagne-Ardenne region of France, offers a mix of road and gravel cycling opportunities. The locality is surrounded by the picturesque French countryside, featuring rolling hills and charming villages. Cyclists can enjoy exploring the local vineyards and meandering through the scenic backroads. One notable climb nearby is the 'Col du Mont d'Orient', known for its challenging gradient and stunning views at the summit. With its charming scenery and enjoyable cycling routes, Chaumont is a great destination for cyclists of all skill levels.
Viaduc de ChaumontAttraction
The Viaduc de Chaumont is an iconic landmark offering breathtaking views of the surrounding area.
Point de vue du Petit ChâteauViewpoint
The Point de vue du Petit Château provides a panoramic vista of Chaumont and its beautiful landscape.
Châteauvillain is a historic town with a charming old town and an impressive castle overlooking the Aujon River.
Villars-en-Azois is a tranquil village surrounded by beautiful rural landscapes, perfect for a relaxing break.
Vitry-le-Croisé offers a picturesque setting with its idyllic countryside and charming village center.
Bar-sur-Aube is a historic town with a rich architectural heritage, including several medieval churches.
Sexfontaines boasts a magnificent church and picturesque surroundings, making it a great spot for photos.
Chaumont, the final highlight of this route, offers a wealth of historical attractions, including a stunning cathedral and a fascinating history museum.
Finish: Chaumont City center
Chaumont: Scenic cycling in the Champagne-Ardenne region.

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