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The Marne River Loop

A road cycling route starting from Saint-Dizier

Cycle through the beautiful Marne valley and enjoy picturesque views of Roches-sur-Marne and Vaux-sur-Blaise.


Embark on a scenic cycling journey through the Marne valley, exploring charming villages and taking in breathtaking views. This route combines a moderate distance with some challenging ascents, making it perfect for well-trained amateurs. With an overall ascent of 515 meters and a distance of 76 kilometers, this road cycling route offers a great balance of intensity and enjoyment.

76 km
515 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Saint-Dizier City center
Saint-Dizier: Cycling through the picturesque landscapes of Saint-Dizier
Saint-Dizier is a town located in the Champagne-Ardenne region of France. From a cyclist's perspective, it offers limited options for road cycling. The roads in the locality are characterized by moderate traffic and diverse terrain, which can provide some challenge for cyclists. However, there are no famous cycling spots or well-known climbs nearby. Overall, while Saint-Dizier may not be an ideal destination for avid cyclists, it can still offer some enjoyable rides in a picturesque setting.
Stop in Roches-sur-Marne and explore its historic chateau, built on a cliff overlooking the Marne river.
Vaux-sur-Blaise is known for its beautiful gardens and medieval church, offering a serene setting for a rest stop.
Courcelles-sur-Blaise's charming streets and traditional architecture make it a perfect spot to discover local culture.
Frampas is a small village with a rich history, featuring an impressive church and several well-preserved historic buildings.
Humbécourt is home to a beautiful half-timbered church and offers a peaceful atmosphere for a break.
La NoueHamlet
As the last highlight on the route, La Noue offers scenic views of the Marne river and surrounding countryside.
Finish: Saint-Dizier City center
Saint-Dizier: Cycling through the picturesque landscapes of Saint-Dizier

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