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Scenic road cycling tour of Champagne-Ardenne

A road cycling route starting from Vitry-le-Francois

Experience the beauty of Champagne-Ardenne on this 131km road cycling tour.


Embark on a thrilling 131km road cycling tour starting from Vitry-le-François. This challenging route includes 684m of climbing and takes you through stunning locations such as Mont de Fourche, Heiltz-le-Maurupt, Sermaize-les-Bains, Sommelonne, Prez-sur-Marne, Frampas, Observatoire de Chantecoq, Arrigny, and Bignicourt-sur-Marne. Immerse yourself in the natural wonders of Champagne-Ardenne and be awestruck by its beauty.

131 km
684 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Vitry-le-François City center
Vitry-le-François: Cycling and Champagne Tasting in Vitry-le-François
Vitry-le-François is a town located in the Champagne-Ardenne region of France. As a road and gravel cyclist, you'll find that Vitry-le-François offers a range of cycling opportunities. The town is situated near the Marne River, offering scenic cycling routes along the waterfront. Additionally, Vitry-le-François is close to the famous Champagne vineyards, providing cyclists with the opportunity to combine their passion for cycling with wine tasting.
Vitry-le-François: Start your journey in this enchanting town known for its historic monuments and charming streets.
Mont de Fourche208 mPeak
Mont de Fourche: Conquer the challenging climb and reward yourself with breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes.
Heiltz-le-Maurupt: Explore the picturesque countryside and admire the architectural beauty of this small village.
Sermaize-les-Bains: Rest your muscles and rejuvenate in the relaxing thermal spa located in this charming village.
Sommelonne: Immerse yourself in nature as you ride through dense forests and experience the natural beauty of this area.
Prez-sur-Marne: Discover the historical landmarks and soak in the tranquility of this quaint commune.
Frampas: Take a moment to rest in this peaceful village and enjoy the scenic views of the Marne river.
Observatoire de ChantecoqViewpoint
Observatoire de Chantecoq: Journey to this iconic observatory and witness a breathtaking panorama of the Champagne-Ardenne region.
Arrigny: Be captivated by the beauty of Lake Der-Chantecoq located in this enchanting commune.
Bignicourt-sur-Marne: Conclude your tour in this charming village known for its UNESCO-listed abbey ruins and historic charm.
Finish: Vitry-le-François City center
Vitry-le-François: Cycling and Champagne Tasting in Vitry-le-François

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