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Conveniently explore nearby attractions and towns from Pantin.

Cycling routes from Pantin

Pantin, located in the Ile-de-France region of France, offers a mix of cycling opportunities. The town has numerous cycling paths that connect to nearby attractions and towns, making it a convenient base for exploration. Pantin is also located near the Canal de l'Ourcq, a popular route for cyclists looking to enjoy a leisurely ride along the water. While Pantin may not have any famous cycling spots or climbs, it provides a comfortable environment for road and gravel cyclists of all levels to enjoy scenic routes and easy access to nearby destinations.

Cycling through multiple towns near Pantin, with some notable highlights along the way.

73 km
358 m

This cycling route takes you from Pantin to Aulnay-sous-Bois, Annet-sur-Marne, La Croix de Carnetin, Émerainville, and finally to Vallée du Morbras. The total distance for this 73 km route is perfect for a day trip. It offers a diverse landscape, including urban streets, rural roads, and scenic pathways. The route has a moderate ascent of 358 meters, providing a good challenge for well-trained amateur cyclists. Overall, it is a great way to explore the outskirts of Pantin and experience the beauty of Ile-de-France.

Discover the rugged beauty of Pantin's hills and valleys

70 km
350 m

The Les Crêtes de Pantin route takes you on a captivating journey through the scenic hills and valleys surrounding Pantin. With a distance of 70 kilometers and an ascent of 350 meters, this gravel route is perfect for adventurous cyclists. The route passes through the charming towns of Bobigny, Sevran, Carnetin, Bussy-Saint-Martin, Château de Gournay-sur-Marne, and Rosny-sous-Bois, providing opportunities to explore their rich cultural heritage. The mixture of diverse landscapes and historic landmarks makes Les Crêtes de Pantin a unique and challenging cycling experience.

Indulge in the beauty of Ile-de-France's landscapes on this picturesque road cycling route

82 km
324 m

This scenic road cycling route spanning 82 kilometers with an ascent of 324 meters showcases the natural and architectural wonders of Ile-de-France. Starting near Pantin, the route passes through Sevran, La Croix de Carnetin, Dampmart, Villeneuve-Saint-Denis, Bry-sur-Marne, and ends back in Pantin. Cyclists will be treated to breathtaking rural landscapes, charming suburban neighborhoods, and impressive landmarks along the way. The combination of diverse terrain and cultural highlights makes this road cycling adventure a memorable experience for cycling enthusiasts.

Conquer legendary climbs and discover hidden cultural secrets on this epic road cycling tour

135 km
959 m

This epic road cycling tour covers an impressive distance of 135 kilometers, with an ascent of 959 meters, taking cyclists through the stunning landscapes and enchanting towns of Ile-de-France. Starting near Pantin, the route leads cyclists through Observatoire de la Butte aux Papillons, Joinville-le-Pont, Boissy-Saint-Léger, Tigery, Saint-Vrain, Ollainville, Gometz-la-Ville, Promotoire des Étangs de Saclay, Ville-d'Avray, Belvédère, and finally ends back in Pantin. Prepare to be challenged by legendary climbs and captivated by breathtaking vistas along the way. This route combines physical intensity with cultural immersion, allowing cyclists to discover the region's ancient castles, picturesque villages, and unspoiled natural beauty.

Embark on an epic road cycling adventure through the picturesque region of Ile-de-France

130 km
590 m

The Grand Tour of Ile-de-France is a challenging road cycling route that spans 130 kilometers, with a total ascent of 590 meters. This iconic route showcases the diverse landscapes and cultural landmarks of the region. Starting near Pantin, the route takes cyclists through Drancy, Pyramide, Longperrier, Le Plessis-Belleville, Réez-Fosse-Martin, Butte de Montassis, Chauconin-Neufmontiers, La Croix de Carnetin, Pomponne, Neuilly-sur-Marne, and finally ends back in Pantin. Along the way, cyclists can admire the splendid countryside, historical sites, and charming villages. The Grand Tour of Ile-de-France is a true epic adventure that will test your stamina and reward you with unforgettable memories.

Gravel adventure taking you through picturesque towns near Pantin.

85 km
790 m

Embark on a gravel adventure from Pantin to Saint-Gratien, Maffliers, Chaumontel, Le Thillay, and end back at Pantin. This 85 km route offers a mix of scenic countryside roads, charming villages, and natural beauty. With an ascent of 790 meters, this gravel route provides a challenging experience for enthusiastic riders. Enjoy the picturesque landscapes as you pass through Saint-Gratien, a picturesque town known for its art scene, and discover the rural charm of Maffliers with its stunning estates and nature reserves. Along the way, you'll also have the chance to visit Chaumontel, a hidden gem with its historic architecture and peaceful surroundings. Conclude your adventure in Pantin, where you can unwind and reflect on the scenic journey you've just completed.

A remarkable cycling route taking you through iconic landmarks and scenic towns near Pantin.

88 km
718 m

This extraordinary cycling route starts from Pantin and takes you through the 9th Arrondissement, Palais Garnier, La Frette-sur-Seine, Saint-Ouen-l'Aumône, Parmain, Bouffémont, and back to Pantin. Covering a distance of 88 km, this gravel adventure offers a mix of historical landmarks and scenic beauty. With an ascent of 718 meters, it poses a good challenge for experienced amateur cyclists. Marvel at the elegance of Palais Garnier, immerse yourself in the artistic ambiance of the 9th Arrondissement, and appreciate the serene atmosphere of La Frette-sur-Seine. As you pass through Saint-Ouen-l'Aumône and Parmain, explore their historic sites and charming streets. Discover the hidden gem of Bouffémont with its captivating views, and finally, end your journey back in Pantin, where you can celebrate your epic cycling experience.

Exploring iconic landmarks and scenic spots near Pantin.

72 km
447 m

Embark on a road cycling adventure from Pantin to Vue sur la tour Eiffel, Rotonde de la Villette, Ermont, Le Mesnil-Aubry, Dassault Rafale A, and finally Les Lilas. This 72 km route offers a mix of urban and suburban landscapes, allowing cyclists to discover famous attractions while enjoying the beauty of Ile-de-France. With an ascent of 447 meters, this route provides a good challenge for experienced amateur cyclists. Along the way, you'll be treated to breathtaking views of the Eiffel Tower, have the chance to explore charming neighborhoods, and visit historical sites. Conclude your journey in Les Lilas, a lively town known for its cultural diversity and vibrant atmosphere.

Unveiling the beauty of gravel routes near Pantin.

41 km
224 m

Discover the beauty of gravel cycling as you travel from Pantin to Montfermeil, Point de vue sur l'ancienne carrière du Beauzet, Château de Gournay-sur-Marne, Observatoire des Pâtres, and back to Pantin. This 41 km route offers a mix of gravel paths, scenic landscapes, and cultural highlights. With an ascent of 224 meters, it provides a moderate challenge for gravel enthusiasts. Along the way, you'll witness panoramic views of former quarries, explore a stunning medieval castle, and enjoy peaceful moments at serene observatories. Conclude your journey in Pantin, where you can recharge at local cafes and immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of the city.

Discover the secret treasures of Pantin on this immersive gravel cycling route

66 km
269 m

Unveil the hidden gems of Pantin on this immersive gravel cycling route spanning 66 kilometers, with an ascent of 269 meters. The route takes cyclists through the lesser-known areas near Pantin, uncovering unique landscapes and off-the-beaten-path attractions. Explore the charming town of Bondy, marvel at the architectural splendor of Château de Gournay-sur-Marne, immerse yourself in the picturesque setting of Bussy-Saint-Martin, and discover the vibrant energy of 20th Arrondissement in Paris. This route offers a perfect blend of gravel adventures and cultural exploration, making it an ideal choice for cyclists seeking something different.

Cycling routes nearby:

Image of Le Pré-Saint-Gervais
Le Pré-Saint-Gervais

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Image of Les Lilas
Les Lilas

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Image of Romainville

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Image of Bagnolet

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Image of Aubervilliers

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Image of Bobigny

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Image of La Courneuve
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Image of Noisy-le-Sec

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Image of Montreuil

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Image of Centre — Val de Loire
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