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Challenging Road Cycling Excursion in Ile-de-France

A road cycling route starting from Rosny-sous-Bois

Embrace adventure as you explore the iconic Pyramide on this road cycling route


Prepare yourself for an exciting road cycling journey starting near Rosny-sous-Bois, taking you through the vibrant city of Bondy and magnificent destinations like Moussy-le-Neuf and Brou-sur-Chantereine. With a difficulty rating of 4, this route is perfect for well-trained amateurs seeking a challenge. The epicness rating of 3 guarantees breathtaking views and unforgettable moments along the way.

78 km
395 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Neuilly-Plaisance City center
Rosny-sous-Bois: Cycling paradise in the heart of Ile-de-France.
Rosny-sous-Bois is a bustling town located in the Ile-de-France region of France. As a road and gravel cyclist, you will appreciate the town's cycling infrastructure and accessibility to various routes. Rosny-sous-Bois offers a mix of urban and rural cycling experiences, with bike lanes and paths connecting the town to surrounding natural areas. Nearby, you will find the famous Parc de la Villette, with its beautiful cycling paths and cultural attractions. With its cycling-friendly amenities and proximity to notable landmarks, Rosny-sous-Bois is a great destination for cyclists.
Bondy offers a lively atmosphere, friendly locals, and picturesque sceneries, creating a delightful experience for cyclists.
Pyramide provides a unique landmark offering stunning views and a chance for cyclists to marvel at its architectural beauty.
Spotting locationViewpoint
Moussy-le-Neuf showcases beautiful countryside landscapes, rolling hills, and charming villages.
Nantouillet is surrounded by beautiful natural scenery and offers peace and tranquility to cyclists.
Brou-sur-Chantereine creates a scenic route with its lovely forests, picturesque paths, and peaceful ambiance.
Finish: Neuilly-Plaisance City center
Rosny-sous-Bois: Cycling paradise in the heart of Ile-de-France.

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